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BGW/DGW25 Captain Poll
24-02-23 23:44
11 311
GW24 Matchday thread. 1234
20-02-23 8:41
168 3K
GW24 transfer thread 12
18-02-23 13:53
54 1.9K
Gw 23 match day 12...45
16-02-23 17:30
220 4.1K
DGW 23 Transfer Thread 12
11-02-23 11:18
84 2.5K
GW23 Captain (TC)
10-02-23 13:49
3 281
Gw 22 match day 123
09-02-23 22:13
140 3.1K
GW22 transfer thread 123
08-02-23 15:34
104 3.5K
GW22 Captain poll
31-01-23 10:58
8 431
GW21 Matchday Thread 123
23-01-23 22:28
114 2.8K
GW 21 Transfer Thread. 12
21-01-23 20:48
86 2.3K
DGW 20 Matchday Thread 1234
21-01-23 11:27
186 4.3K
GW 21 Captain poll
21-01-23 10:36
2 171
GW20 - Transfer Thread (double trouble) 1234
14-01-23 21:49
155 4.5K
GW19 - Matchday thread 1234
13-01-23 11:17
184 4.4K
GW19 transfer thread
03-01-23 0:57
45 1.5K
GW19 Captains poll
02-01-23 19:00
11 481
GW 18 Matchday Thread 123
02-01-23 11:38
144 3.1K
GW 17 - Matchday Thread 🎅 1234
30-12-22 20:46
196 4.1K
GW 18 - Transfer Thread
30-12-22 16:41
23 951
World Cup/GW 17 - Transfer Thread
26-12-22 17:02
43 2.7K
Sky Sports Fantasy World Cup 12
23-12-22 11:01
73 1.2K
GW16 Matchday Thread 12...45
14-11-22 12:02
220 3.7K
Gameweek 16 - Transfer Thread for one week punts 12
12-11-22 10:51
93 2.6K
Sorare Fantasy World Cup
11-11-22 7:50
1 91
GW15 Match Day Thread 12...45
07-11-22 0:26
242 5K
Gameweek 15 - Transfer Thread 123
05-11-22 21:05
125 4.3K
Gameweek 14 Matchday Thread 1234
01-11-22 15:35
163 4K
GW14 Captain
29-10-22 18:42
25 831
GW14 Transfer Thread
29-10-22 10:19
45 1.8K