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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Good Dentist around Dundalk/Drogheda??
18-10-07 18:20
2 1.5K
New Dental Gumshields hurt
15-09-08 22:53
2 596
Need to get Crowns
15-09-08 11:29
1 552
Bridges or Implants ?
25-08-08 15:00
9 1.4K
anyone bad (teeth) sleep habits?
14-08-08 2:06
2 730
Absolutely petrified but need to go to the dentist
06-08-08 23:54
5 1.3K
24-08-08 13:54
14 2.4K
periodental disease
18-08-08 22:26
3 892
University Dental School Treatment
27-08-08 10:52
6 1.6K
Son needs braces - Anyone recommend a good dentist in Northern Ireland???
01-09-08 12:17
3 880
BreathRX et al
30-08-08 17:03
1 542
Dental Gumshields v Normal ones
15-08-08 11:25
9 1.8K
How much do braces generally cost?
24-08-08 15:23
12 2.1K
Specialist in Galway
04-04-08 23:54
1 2.6K
Home Whitening Kits
16-08-08 1:02
10 1.1K
Hygiene Clean
24-08-08 23:42
1 627
frozen toothpaste!
23-08-08 16:58
0 698
My Zoom whitening experience
15-11-07 16:07
28 26.3K
Looking for nice gentle dentist in Dublin city centre or south dublin, please help!
21-08-08 17:52
2 2.7K
Dentist suggested I take valium. Thoughts?
22-08-08 0:52
4 890
Overlapping tooth
13-08-08 0:35
1 610
Need to be put asleep!
11-08-08 22:58
1 554
Gum Boil?
26-07-08 4:23
2 1.8K
Lumineer veneers
07-08-08 8:58
6 1.2K
Bizarre lump on gum
06-08-08 10:46
2 628
Advice on exposed bio-0ss/bio-gide
30-07-08 16:23
18 2.6K
Porcelain crown breaking immediately
05-08-08 8:49
8 873
Root canal and prepping for crown
09-08-08 10:58
4 716
Crown question
09-08-08 15:45
1 542
quick fix very crooked front tooth??
07-08-08 17:16
3 1.2K