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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Wizdom teeth
15-11-08 19:16
1 649
Aging animals using teeth
12-11-08 15:18
1 505
Over seas dental treatment
02-09-08 12:39
9 1.2K
Can a permanent bonded retainer be damaged by whitening?
06-11-08 2:41
1 800
European Health Insurance
02-11-08 19:04
1 642
Braces/Traintracks......a second time?!
25-04-08 13:02
14 2.6K
Gaps between my teeth- best option for fixing?
07-11-08 19:28
1 738
Northern on a satuday
06-11-08 17:20
0 514
bang - root canal?
05-11-08 21:01
2 623
All he wants for Xmas.............
09-10-08 16:04
1 656
help, need a Good Dentist asap!
28-10-08 3:42
4 2K
**URGENT* Help required TODAY. Broken Front tooth
05-11-08 10:10
0 597
Dental appointment and Social welfare form
04-11-08 13:41
0 688
Experiences of dentistry abroad
04-11-08 13:38
0 678
Teeth in a mess is it worth travelling for treatment?
15-09-08 18:56
11 2.3K
Braces, Best type?
29-10-08 22:50
3 1.3K
30-10-08 23:21
1 695
Invisalign Dentist - what the difference?
26-10-08 20:19
2 1K
gap trapping food
15-09-08 18:30
2 807
recommend a northern dentist?
08-09-08 13:05
7 1.5K
Bad swelling
26-10-08 0:57
7 674
Crown or Implant
01-10-08 22:01
5 1.2K
What is the best type of filling for your health?
27-10-08 23:46
0 427
Ortho recommendation, Dublin? Please help!
09-10-08 12:19
5 1.1K
Super White marks on teeth
08-10-08 23:10
6 2.2K
27-10-08 18:05
2 529
Jaw Realignment
27-10-08 14:34
1 968
root canal and filling?
23-09-08 14:02
16 2.4K
14-10-08 12:44
7 636
Broken Milk Tooth.
19-10-08 0:35
2 813