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Irish Water - Single National Public Water Utility
24-02-21 14:05
3 207
Salon owner arrested for opening
24-02-21 16:20
11 658
What do you think about the Alex Salmond situation?
24-02-21 15:10
1 161
Daniel Kinahan BBC Panorama 01/02/2021 9pm 12...45
01-02-21 14:52
130 27.9K
Natiional Lottery Targeting Children.
22-02-21 22:36
4 400
Rathgar council tenants in luxury apartments claim discrimination over facilities 12...2223
22-02-21 19:51
662 85.1K
Dr Emer Holohan RIP
19-02-21 20:35
16 3.1K
Former Anglo Irish Bank chief David Drumm released from prison 12
15-02-21 20:41
54 3.5K
OPW not fit for purpose
22-02-21 9:50
0 285
Will we ever have a performance like this again ?
19-02-21 23:45
6 1.3K
Why are 'anti racist' NGO's so racist to the Irish? *Threadbanned user list in OP* 12...1819
12-02-21 12:43
543 32.5K
1.35 million to retrofit 50 social houses.
18-02-21 19:41
21 1.8K
Norma Foley has to go [MOD WARNING IN 1ST POST] 12...1213
16-02-21 21:07
372 28.9K
Ulster Bank withdrawal is foretaste of Ireland under SF
19-02-21 20:52
11 479
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News owner) new uk fta News Channel
19-02-21 19:29
0 106
Opinion on checking social media presences for job applicants 12...56
19-02-21 13:08
151 8.1K
Gemma O'Doherty: A Lot of People's Favorite Punchbag
18-02-21 21:36
3 507
Teacher unions and exams - what’s the problem? 12...89
12-02-21 13:23
248 13.1K
Minister for Agriculture attends 81-person golf event in breach of health guidelines 12...113114
17-02-21 22:01
3.4K 230.3K
What did Aaron Forde say ? 12
16-02-21 22:52
44 5.7K
Do NIMBY's have a right to complain about housing crisis? 12...67
27-01-21 5:57
187 9K
NI to Scotland tunnel? 1234
14-02-21 22:26
103 7K
New inquests into stardust deaths 123
26-09-19 6:06
74 6.9K
Transport Workers seek extra holidays
15-02-21 21:09
11 903
Ireland's and the EU's position on the persecution of the Uighirs.
16-02-21 15:53
0 80
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny 'poisoned' 12...56
15-02-21 11:08
153 7.2K
Children blackmailed by paedophile via Facebook. 12
10-02-21 18:56
59 4.1K
more dangerous & sub par doctors still allowed to work in cancer hospitals
13-02-21 0:16
1 183
Post modern progressiveness 12...56
12-02-21 20:52
161 8K
Haiti falls into civil war. It President refusing to stand down and attacking protest 12
09-02-21 15:05
46 2.7K