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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Treating rising damp
04-07-22 19:51
6 422
Steel Shed Planning
03-07-22 14:49
1 183
No quotation / no people to do works
30-06-22 15:20
1 241
Removing cement pebbledash on period house.
30-06-22 5:31
10 482
28-06-22 21:40
3 239
Old Stone House Renovation - Damp
28-06-22 5:24
6 479
Weed Killer Spray prior to Tarmac
27-06-22 10:59
6 367
Opinions on the roof
26-06-22 8:22
17 434
Tarmac query
24-06-22 8:09
4 291
Do new houses get permitted extension rights immediately?
21-06-22 16:24
6 389
Stove in B2 rated house
21-06-22 11:48
6 273
Mass Concrete House 1930s alternative to external insulation ?
20-06-22 19:45
4 292
Belated retention application.
20-06-22 13:36
6 186
Neighbours extension
20-06-22 10:36
9 662
open stairs
20-06-22 10:20
22 371
Advice on shed/playroom/mancave
20-06-22 8:16
10 392
Tilt and turn window board too low 12
18-06-22 21:06
41 692
Trusting the right company?
18-06-22 1:39
7 325
Argument with neighbour over refurbishments
17-06-22 23:21
10 683
New patio is falling towards house.. 12...56
17-06-22 18:26
171 15.5K
Protecting front door & surround during build
16-06-22 21:55
3 142
Window companys or contractors that provides the best installation.
16-06-22 17:11
2 128
DPC on inner leaf under thermal blocks
15-06-22 14:58
4 135
Disputing Council fees
14-06-22 12:11
26 1.8K
Septic tank query
13-06-22 22:51
0 51
Island hob ventilation ducting
12-06-22 20:51
11 372
Load bearing wall
10-06-22 21:44
0 103
Advice on garden retaining wall
10-06-22 15:27
3 141
Do we get termites in Ireland?
10-06-22 7:46
1 291
Cavity wall Insulation can it be done twice?
10-06-22 6:46
2 166