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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
building a small extension and renovating a cottage
12-01-23 21:39
2 201
Planning for one off house
12-01-23 17:49
7 481
Planning in Fingal
12-01-23 17:44
7 131
New Build - gap under window sill
12-01-23 13:26
13 801
Where does the liability lie?
12-01-23 9:27
13 581
House renovation - current BER E1. Should we do one stop shop or work with existing contractor
11-01-23 11:35
1 182
What does your engineer actually do for you?
11-01-23 11:17
3 291
Heavy Tiles and Liquid Membrane - Can They Work?
11-01-23 11:04
9 171
Trying to move mortgage
11-01-23 10:41
1 61
Water mains map
10-01-23 22:37
5 1.1K
Temporary Water Supply
10-01-23 19:55
1 41
Solid Concrete Appearance on Concrete Block Wall. Advice on How to Achieve it?
10-01-23 16:53
2 141
Please help - Recommendations for a Plumber (Westmeath, Longford)
10-01-23 6:52
0 11
Ventilation in new builds.
09-01-23 22:26
25 1.6K
Replacing 800mm square ensuite shower tray door with new 800mm quadrant unit
09-01-23 16:56
3 51
Rising Walls
09-01-23 12:56
7 484
Another External Insulation Question!
09-01-23 11:33
2 131
Insulated plasterboard over insulated plasterboard
08-01-23 19:51
10 461
Retrofitting a Vaulted Ceiling - Costs and Considerations
06-01-23 14:18
2 193
Replacement windows - gaps around the sides.
04-01-23 15:09
15 871
Wood burning stove in wood cabin
04-01-23 14:51
1 81
BER - Chimneys require blocking
04-01-23 14:24
13 1.9K
First Time Buyers considering SEAI Deep Retrofit Grant
04-01-23 1:11
11 1.3K
Raised patio - aco drain needed ?
03-01-23 23:01
3 141
03-01-23 22:36
15 3.5K
Door recommendation for extension
03-01-23 21:34
3 81
Is it daft to install a Velux in the rain?
03-01-23 17:31
12 731
New Build Vs Buy Fist Fix house or Second Hand house
03-01-23 11:50
9 371
Serious Attic condensation problem
02-01-23 15:45
32 10.1K
Replacing double height ceiling
01-01-23 20:47
4 151