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Environmental Science: Archive

Discussion of Environmental Science
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Best way to offset carbon emmission
05-03-10 1:31
22 3.3K
Printer Recycling?
14-03-10 20:52
1 560
Electric Cars
13-03-10 17:40
1 674
Lithium - air battery 10 times capacity of standard batteries
13-03-10 17:28
0 533
eco/ sustainably sourced furniture
27-02-10 8:20
3 1.1K
Bed Recycling?
12-03-10 16:44
0 633
The merits of carbon off-setting 12
06-03-10 15:01
34 2.6K
Green Awards
12-03-10 10:28
0 610
Wood Energy Support to 4 Pilot Projects in the Western Region
11-03-10 17:58
0 663
Newspaper recycling
10-03-10 20:55
1 496
Nanotechnology and renewable energy
09-03-10 22:02
0 445
"Wrong" rubbish in recycle bin
02-03-10 18:04
13 2.6K
GVA: Mercedes Benz F-800 plug in hybrid 0-100 km/h in 4.8 s
04-03-10 22:00
14 1.7K
Nursing homes being developed on Coillte lands
19-01-10 15:26
17 3.8K
Ferrari unveils a hybrid car at the GVA motor show
02-03-10 18:42
3 859
Wheelie bin gravity locks - cheapest supplier + do they work?
07-03-09 10:04
7 13.5K
is there an electrical goods recycling depo near galway?
25-02-10 0:15
1 1.7K
Starbucks Coffee Grounds
23-02-10 22:04
4 879
Dumping advise needed
03-02-10 0:36
11 1.7K
Benefits of Organic Production 12
08-02-10 12:05
59 4.8K
[Article] Less Babies Is Best Climate Change Solution 12
15-02-10 13:59
31 3.4K
Canvassing support for tree-planting initiative
19-02-10 12:15
8 1.4K
Smart Meters and the ESB 12
10-10-07 12:01
45 20.6K
WSJ article - The Next Crisis: Prepare for Peak Oil
13-02-10 15:45
17 2.3K
Pat Kenny - environmental issues
25-01-10 15:04
9 1.8K
The Greatests "Scientific" Scam Since Eugenics.
15-02-10 9:34
1 808
China has about 120 million electric bikes
01-02-10 10:52
15 2.1K
Climate scepticism grows in UK 123
06-02-10 12:32
65 4.7K
Ireland tops EU table for electronics recycling?? 12
17-01-10 21:26
45 4.5K
Wheelbarrow full of raw human sewage
09-02-10 16:54
7 1.4K