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An Earth race .. for the future of the planet
10-04-10 11:17
4 954
Help With Wind Power Project
12-04-10 18:43
1 629
Gross neighbours
11-04-10 22:01
4 1K
rain water collection?
14-02-10 15:22
22 4.4K
Are wind farms actually of any use? 12
24-03-10 1:22
37 4.4K
Which MHRV System?
08-04-10 20:37
0 18
Greenpeace members threaten global warming "deniers"
05-04-10 18:25
12 1.5K
Compost bin + rats
26-03-10 18:11
6 1.6K
Stunning, breath taking and yet eye opening Video
02-04-10 10:16
1 805
Recycling tefal coated cast iron and aluminium saucepans. Where do they go?
23-03-10 15:51
4 1.3K
Domestic Waste - Aaaaargh.
06-10-08 22:36
10 1.6K
Global Warming Research
02-04-10 8:54
3 698
Deliveries without packaging material
02-04-10 15:37
4 687
Farmers behind big Clare wind project 1234
28-05-09 11:45
92 9.8K
Under Underfloor heating
30-03-10 13:27
2 767
Offaly Power Plant 12
16-03-10 12:16
31 3.3K
Most of Europe's energy from renewables?
19-02-10 19:19
29 3.5K
Pesticides cause high cancer rates in agricultural workers in France
25-03-10 20:38
0 680
Green politics? 123
14-03-10 11:12
61 6.4K
Potential Pitfalls of Domestic Wind Power
19-03-10 0:55
12 2.4K
Pumped storage for renewable energy sources..
21-03-10 22:39
1 762
How to get local river cleaned ?
20-03-10 15:27
8 1.2K
Anti-Earth Hour
22-03-10 22:12
1 760
Cleaning Galway
19-03-10 22:08
0 18
'Milestone' for wave energy plans
16-03-10 15:04
19 1.7K
Energy Saving Lightbulbs GU10 Fitting
14-01-10 10:55
28 8.2K
draft guard dragons den
18-03-10 3:53
2 829
Tesco building wind turbines
16-03-10 10:59
5 1.3K
anyone heard of "Bloom Energy" .. residential fuel cells??
22-02-10 1:00
25 3.8K
'Biodegradable' plastic bags may not be as eco-friendly as thought
12-03-10 15:45
4 1K