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Call of Duty

For single and multiplayer fans of CoD.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Cod black ops 4 Blackout
22-02-19 17:23
1 287
COD Backwards Compatibility 12
21-01-19 18:51
55 3.4K
WW2 megabitch thread 123
15-11-18 22:54
140 4.8K
Black Ops 4 - PS4 - Party up?
26-10-18 22:47
1 215
Highest rounds on zombies
11-03-16 18:08
19 1.5K
Call of Duty 2016 : Infinite Warfare | Rumours & News 12...1314
18-08-18 22:47
671 23.4K
Call of Duty | WWII | News & Rumours 12...2425
31-07-18 20:54
1.2K 34.9K
Call of Duty 2015 Black Ops 3 | News and Rumours! 12...2930
30-07-18 17:21
1.5K 56.2K
played black ops 1 all afternoon
19-05-18 16:12
3 358
WW2 Prop Hunt
10-04-18 16:53
0 174
modern warfare online
28-03-18 13:26
2 368
Clans/Gaming Communities?
12-11-11 19:26
2 579
Which games have a campaign co-op ?
25-02-18 11:35
0 214
Top 5 Call of Duty _____ 12
18-02-16 12:25
73 3.5K
COD MM2 Competitive Team
16-11-17 18:37
3 506
WW2 Sunshine and Lollipops
08-01-18 17:36
7 582
CoD4 remastered digital or disc?
06-01-18 15:01
0 216
Want to join a clan.
26-12-17 18:13
1 192
Best maps in WW2 MP
05-11-17 18:25
34 1.1K
MW Remastered
14-12-17 10:22
0 163
Irish Youtuber goes ballistic with rage
25-11-17 20:55
3 931
Call of Duty Ghosts 2GB Update
28-10-17 11:13
1 384
WWII Tips, Best Weapons and loadouts
12-11-17 8:14
10 700
Opening beach landing a bit...meh?
06-11-17 12:03
0 285
WW2 in Supervalu?
01-11-17 23:18
7 888
Modern Warfare Remastered - Persistently Crashing during Multiplayer
28-09-17 11:43
2 466
Should the Call of Duty DLC system change?
10-03-17 11:59
0 484
Custom zombies 12
10-04-16 11:15
89 3.2K
What would the perfect Call of Duty be in your opinion?
03-01-17 23:52
9 668
ps4 accounts call of duty
02-02-17 20:50
0 433