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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Some research on Bridge Cameras (aka SLR like, but not SLR's)
28-08-07 16:39
18 1.3K
Would you sell your photo without attribution?
06-09-07 13:16
10 646
All sweetness and light (C&C)
07-09-07 9:16
1 372
05-09-07 21:33
22 1K
Battery Leakage
06-09-07 12:14
6 524
Ireland V Portugal U21 Cork
06-09-07 22:11
0 303
For C&C - Green Fingers?
06-09-07 7:52
6 593
amazing where you turn up for photos
06-09-07 18:28
3 506
Zoo C&C
06-09-07 16:54
3 473
A Walk down by the River (7 for C&C)
06-09-07 12:48
10 535
Free Prints
06-09-07 13:07
0 370
Advice/opinions on Camera price
06-09-07 0:45
4 525
Leica r8 or similar & 400d or 40d
05-09-07 15:03
20 738
Rep. of Ireland U19 0-1 Portugal U19 (40D Cherry Popped)
04-09-07 22:36
12 854
Macro lenses - questions and recommend
05-09-07 10:36
17 759
Old Black and white negatives from the 1950s
30-08-07 22:03
18 2.5K
Recommendations for my 400D
04-09-07 18:39
9 542
Singer C&C
04-09-07 23:24
8 552
Buying Lenses/Gear in Bangkok
05-09-07 19:22
1 461
~How to Make Money Out of Photography~
03-09-07 18:38
28 1.5K
Photography Advice
04-09-07 1:24
19 850
How many still use 35mm SLR Film? 12
04-09-07 13:07
46 1.8K
Getting a Press Pass
05-09-07 9:41
5 849
Preparing for interview - Photography Technology Industry, help with ideas requested
04-09-07 23:38
10 535
Photos Stuck In Computer
31-08-07 10:40
10 699
Party Advice
03-09-07 11:02
15 831
Portrait course with Bjorn Thomassen
04-09-07 22:23
5 476
camera website
04-09-07 23:43
3 371
Beware Lens Thief !! 12
03-09-07 21:47
31 1.3K
Lens for Portraits with Eos 400d
05-09-07 8:58
2 392