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Vegan & Vegetarian

Discussion on all things relating to vegetarianism and veganism
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Vegan Pregnancy
21-07-11 10:57
6 1.1K
Bored of food
20-07-11 6:45
2 890
Help needed with lentil receipes
19-07-11 11:06
8 1.2K
This lad has a good way with words
18-07-11 19:14
3 653
Trying to cut back on dairy - tips? 12
18-05-11 11:01
34 5.7K
Dairy free ,soya free ice-cream there anything good out there?
17-07-11 2:40
3 1.4K
Sun cream for face
22-04-11 15:50
11 2.3K
New Vegan Store in Cork
14-07-11 16:12
3 683
Vegan cheese's
14-07-11 0:13
1 1.1K
Young Coconuts - where to buy
04-07-11 13:59
5 3.7K
Mi Wadi Tropical: Not veggie friendly!
17-06-11 19:01
22 6.7K
Poppies Restaurant, Enniskerry
03-07-11 21:52
0 711
What would you want to eat at a BBQ??
20-06-11 13:35
19 2.4K
A pretend vegetarian
14-06-11 11:03
16 2.8K
Vegan-friendly restaurants in Dublin
30-06-11 12:34
0 1.9K
sugar free / keto veggie diet?
22-06-11 9:37
6 1.4K
Pizza stone 12
30-04-08 18:26
33 16.4K
Does ADLI (German Brand Supermarket) have 'GMO' vegetables and fruits?
23-06-11 19:28
6 1.5K
M&S Super Soya
30-03-11 22:22
24 4.3K
Are your children vegetarian?
08-05-11 21:51
23 3.3K
Veggie hotdogs
21-01-11 17:38
27 4.6K
Goat's milk and cheese more humane?
22-05-11 16:11
13 7.4K
Considering becoming a vegetarian
11-06-11 20:46
14 1.9K
Quorn ham slices
19-05-10 15:44
30 4.8K
Substititing TVP Soya Mince for Minced meat in recipies
29-01-11 2:43
4 2.6K
New Quorn products 12...45
14-06-11 22:24
148 20.5K
quorn seasoning- 'so juicy'?
01-06-11 23:51
10 3.7K
Medical Conditions
25-05-11 15:09
10 2.4K
02-06-11 1:41
13 3.4K
Earthlings 12
10-09-08 22:52
32 2.2K