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Vegan & Vegetarian

Discussion on all things relating to vegetarianism and veganism
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What age were you when you turned veggie? 1234
04-10-09 19:23
103 11K
Vegelicious range.
28-02-11 16:10
15 2.5K
Soya yoghurt alternatives
07-04-11 13:29
9 2K
vegan blood results
05-04-11 19:39
16 2.7K
Vegetarian Burgers
21-12-08 19:54
22 3.3K
veg snack food to bring on holiday
10-04-11 13:45
6 1.4K
27-02-11 20:52
13 2.8K
Govindas? Hell Pizza? Fibbers? Froo? 12
01-04-11 15:29
45 3.5K
Best Nut Roast Recipe
03-04-11 3:50
10 4K
24-06-10 12:56
19 2.5K
Oat Milk
31-03-11 11:05
2 1.1K
Cruelty free / vegan or veggie friendly skincare products
25-01-11 22:03
16 7.2K
Coeliac and vegan
17-03-11 2:56
6 1.7K
Irish stew
16-03-11 20:33
9 2.4K
John Innes composts
28-02-11 12:13
3 1.5K
Green and Blacks - now dairy free!
20-03-11 3:04
9 2.8K
Have you ever noticed that vegans tend to be pro choice when it comes to abortion?
18-03-11 18:49
15 2K
How healthy is veganism? 12
13-03-11 12:59
33 4.3K
New veggie - getting cravings!
12-03-11 18:02
8 1K
Masterchef goes vegetarian
18-03-11 0:03
1 1.1K
Vegan to stay - help?!
15-03-11 17:07
3 2K
Quorn Chicken pieces. 12
13-10-10 15:42
31 4.7K
freezing veg
14-03-11 22:36
2 617
Unfrozen Quorn?
14-03-11 16:19
2 904
Bold Native screening in Greystones and Dublin - a movie about animal liberation!
16-11-10 22:25
6 1.6K
"Bold Native" movie screening followed by Vegan Nutritionist lecture
05-03-11 15:04
0 697
Things we forget . . .
02-03-11 15:50
5 1.4K
Veggie drunk food!! 12
15-11-09 3:30
48 6K
Quay Co-op, Cork - Vegan Pet Food ?
07-02-11 23:15
17 3.7K
Is Burger King veggie burger vegan?
31-01-11 20:01
29 8.6K