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Vegan & Vegetarian

Discussion on all things relating to vegetarianism and veganism
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fruit and Veg Country of Origin
02-05-11 15:16
22 4.2K
'PlanEat' screening at Happy Pear on 24th
07-06-11 13:27
1 1.1K
Vegetarian restaurant in Limerick?
12-05-11 22:38
5 3.7K
Vegan Picnic in the Phoenix Park this Sunday
19-05-11 16:47
10 1.5K
Mycoprotein (Quorn)
10-02-10 20:19
7 2.3K
Anchovy Substitute
27-05-11 10:38
6 1.7K
Booja Booja FSAI alert - may contain milk
25-05-11 18:28
0 719
Have tofu, will use!
23-05-11 2:40
2 694
A Typical Vegan. Unquestionably.
13-05-11 13:28
4 1.1K
Aldi Vegetarian Patés - special from this Sunday
29-04-11 12:43
9 2K
Thinking of becoming vegan BUT....
04-05-11 21:44
5 2.1K
Worldwide Vegan Bakesale 7th May 2011
10-04-11 20:07
13 2K
apparantly Lavera milk and honey lotion is vegan???
05-05-11 15:38
5 1.1K
Quorn "Fish" yah!!!
08-04-11 22:42
16 3K
28-12-10 23:08
17 6.6K
Vegan treats?
17-04-11 19:20
11 2.3K
in need of support
27-04-11 22:59
3 736
Tesco Galway Vege stuff
05-04-11 15:15
7 1.3K
Cooking with lentils
26-04-11 15:36
8 3.1K
Vegetarian places to eat in Galway City area?
09-08-10 4:33
17 7.6K
Govindas Abbey St - Vegan Wednesdays
23-04-11 22:49
1 1K
Why are there not more Veggie restaurants in Dublin?
14-04-11 16:27
19 2.6K
Thinking of opening a vegan restaurant
04-04-11 3:22
20 2.9K
New Vegetarian Restaurant 12
04-04-11 21:15
38 3.8K
The way we live ......
12-04-11 21:29
14 1.3K
Not a vegetarian but love fresh veg !
04-11-10 15:48
6 1.3K
Cooking Classes
17-04-11 17:59
3 1.6K
Nutritional Yeast - where to buy?
29-03-11 16:10
6 10.9K
Oatly Vitamin D3 --> D2 change soon
15-04-10 21:07
6 1.7K
13-04-11 14:51
7 1.1K