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A resource for those who are teaching (or want to teach) outside Ireland.
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H. Dip part-time
30-07-08 21:10
5 6K
St.Nicholas Montessori College in Dun Laoghaire
02-08-08 16:56
1 1.1K
How much should I charge for Cambridge FCE exam classes?
30-07-08 16:26
3 935
I have a problem - H.Dip Application Query
31-07-08 22:52
2 618
Gaeilge Ghairmiúil v Gaeilge
30-07-08 13:58
1 1.3K
Education Jobs
21-09-06 14:54
5 1.1K
Applied Mathematics Teacher Required
30-07-08 13:21
0 453
Quick question - academic allowances on salary
29-07-08 19:52
6 1.2K
Moving up the primary salary scale
29-07-08 20:34
0 501
Those just finished the pgde....
22-07-08 23:36
5 956
NUIG h.Dip
27-07-08 17:04
1 636
Looking for advice with CELTA or TEFL
27-07-08 1:39
1 791
HDip in Education 2006/7
30-07-06 14:11
17 8.1K
Secondary PGCE, salary scale
26-07-08 13:59
0 612
Career Change to do Primary PGCE
25-07-08 14:50
0 551
PGCE(UK)qualified science teacher wishing to teach in Ireland
23-07-08 16:25
3 1.2K
Teaching computer skills.
07-07-08 22:03
11 1.3K
Qualified german teacher
23-07-08 18:40
0 588
Does the dip prepare you for teaching?
21-07-08 21:48
8 1.1K
Post Primary Holiday Pay
17-07-08 12:22
15 1.6K
teaching English overseas
14-07-08 16:25
5 751
15-07-08 18:22
11 2.6K
Anyone ever done a course in Sandford Language Institute?
15-07-08 17:09
0 925
Teaching Council.......GRRR
30-06-08 20:18
6 1.2K
grind schools
06-07-08 0:13
4 1.1K
Teaching Art
06-07-08 18:54
4 743
B. Ed subject choices help
23-06-08 9:18
11 1.4K
Hibernia primary post grad v Mary I primary post grad
30-06-08 15:49
5 2.2K
overseas course(primary)
10-07-08 0:09
0 629
what qualification is needed to teach a post leaving cert course?
30-06-08 22:07
3 1.6K