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Leaving Cert Results
13-08-08 11:25
9 1.4K
Can I do the H dip
14-08-08 19:04
6 801
Biochemistry Degree But Want HDip
13-08-08 17:26
2 614
Opinions on my job situation (Primary School)..
12-08-08 23:39
9 1.2K
Teaching Council Reistration Number
11-08-08 15:48
10 977
Teachers, Students and Germs...
27-07-08 20:25
16 1.5K
Secondary Sub Teaching
12-08-08 13:26
3 1.7K
lecturing finance/accounting
13-08-08 18:41
0 742
what do you think makes a good teacher?
10-08-08 13:05
6 1K
Journalism degree being accepted by Teaching council of Ireland for H Dip.
13-08-08 11:33
0 742
Calling Science Teachers
29-06-08 15:27
4 951
PE dance curriculum
12-08-08 9:55
0 509
Subbing while doing the PGDE?
11-08-08 17:46
5 653
PGDE/teaching job advice
11-08-08 14:02
0 468
Quick poll to see who we have
11-08-08 10:13
0 606
Girl to attend 'boys only' school 12
06-08-08 16:31
32 2.7K
Primary School Teaching - First Steps ?
09-08-08 15:16
1 597
Grinds-how much?
01-08-08 21:23
6 844
Returning to Secondary teaching after 7 years
07-08-08 15:54
3 714
JC Craft projects home ec
06-08-08 14:40
1 1.3K
Coming back to Ireland with PGCE primary
07-08-08 11:37
1 933
Primary Teaching - Demand for males
06-08-08 9:16
5 738
Help, Regarding Primary Teaching Subbing off the cuff!
23-07-08 14:29
6 1.5K
Multigrade advice
06-08-08 12:54
0 456
PGDE Maynooth
21-07-08 14:07
2 930
PGDE - need help!!
29-07-08 21:18
1 911
Primary School Subbing Pay
30-07-08 17:22
2 2.4K
PGCE Recognition
04-08-08 17:31
3 859
Pro-rata lecturer
29-07-08 17:17
2 809
H. Dip part-time
30-07-08 21:10
5 6K