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Irish Naturalisation: Gap in Stamp 4 - [Non-EU]

  • 17-05-2018 12:48am
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    I have been working in Ireland for the last 6 years and now eligible to apply for the Irish Naturalisation.

    Unfortunately, I have a gap in Stamp of 2 weeks i.e. my Stamp 4 expired on 14th April, 2014 and I renewed it on the 28th April, 2014.

    Its a pity I was never aware of this and in fact once in Cork the lady in the GNIB told me as long as you register within 4 weeks you are fine. However, now I am preparing for Ireland Naturalisation and I see I made a huge mistake and I should have been more careful and should have applied before the expiry.

    Can anyone please advise on this?

    Secondly does this also have impact on the long term residency?
