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Junior Cert

Secondary school junior certificate.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Junior Cert 2011: Maths Paper 1 12...45
09-06-11 16:29
235 26.1K
Business paper 1
10-06-11 19:48
6 1K
Ol maths problem
12-06-11 18:05
3 586
What are you studying right now? 12
02-06-11 13:16
82 6.3K
JC dreams
07-06-11 20:34
21 1.7K
O.L maths problem
12-06-11 14:48
1 415
Quick question about theorems?
11-06-11 13:54
8 1.1K
Does anyone know where I can find an example of an Irish Email? (OL)
08-06-11 19:48
1 733
Junior Cert Business Studies (Higher Level)
16-01-10 19:50
11 18.2K
Exams for subjects not studied at school?
03-05-11 1:30
7 1.5K
Studying for Maths paper 2
10-06-11 19:37
22 4.2K
Junior Cert 2011: Irish Paper 1 123
08-06-11 16:06
125 17.9K
Junior Cert 2011. 12...1213
05-07-10 0:25
650 87.4K
What are you dreading the most?
01-06-11 15:04
45 4.1K
the english exam HL 12
08-06-11 16:45
65 4.3K
Junior Cert 2011: Irish Paper 2 12
08-06-11 16:28
96 13.2K
Maths paper I & II
08-06-11 18:41
15 1.4K
09-06-11 17:49
9 1.1K
the irish exam HL
09-06-11 17:00
1 455
Irish Paper I & II
08-06-11 17:28
9 900
07-06-11 23:35
4 673
Ordinary level subjects.
09-06-11 12:03
4 689
Well, how'd ya do in PP1
09-06-11 10:45
2 459
Writing in Junior Cert
26-04-11 23:20
21 3.9K
Junior Cert 2011: English Paper 1 12
04-06-11 13:36
88 17.6K
Freaking out about irish :/
08-06-11 19:56
6 1.7K
What subject are you looking forward to the most?
07-06-11 11:23
16 957
I cant sleep
07-06-11 22:45
13 805
Lower Irish
08-06-11 14:46
7 764
What are you aiming for? 12
05-05-11 16:25
59 5K