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Health Sciences

Evolution, genetics, neurology, anatomy, etc.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
To do medicine or not to do?! 12
19-04-10 20:10
43 4.8K
what colour is my eye ?
05-05-10 22:07
2 595
decisions to make
05-05-10 19:28
0 0
Insect Bites
05-05-10 13:51
1 468
Uniforms for Speech Therapists
04-05-10 18:07
2 1.6K
My face never sweats
03-05-10 17:14
2 994
Gay and lesbian doctors find a voice
27-04-10 10:13
15 2.4K
R+D of New Drugs & How to go about doing it
02-05-10 0:43
2 709
Staff Shortages
07-04-10 11:01
23 4.2K
Donating prescription drugs to 3rd world
28-04-10 15:56
6 1.1K
do you thinbk acupuncture would help with a sebaceous cyst ?
01-05-10 15:44
1 1.2K
Unusual foreign illnesses
30-04-10 10:22
0 477
29-04-10 23:35
0 10
Erroneous Diet Technique?
28-04-10 16:34
1 636
What resolution is needed to make an image indistinguishable from normal vision?
29-04-10 12:33
1 489
broken leg
28-04-10 22:49
1 594
Sebaceous Cyst on face !
28-04-10 17:43
2 880
Emergency eye doctor
27-04-10 21:13
3 1.7K
i want to get a mole on my back removed !
27-04-10 12:58
3 881
Allergy Testing
21-10-08 14:17
16 22.5K
Terrifying Forum 12
02-04-10 11:10
56 8.8K
Is Aspartame safe?
25-04-10 14:15
24 2.3K
Advice please on MRI scan
26-04-10 19:42
21 5.3K
Help Healer Needed
26-04-10 10:24
2 639
Skin Grafts!
25-04-10 23:02
3 752
Contraceptives and "Conscience Clauses"
25-04-10 16:43
4 906
A question for a pharmacist re Centyl tablets (not seeking medical advice)
02-04-10 16:38
14 9.4K
Hip Impingement
20-04-10 20:38
0 159
Drug production
19-04-10 22:11
10 1.2K
Is Hand Sanitization Helping with nosocomial infections?
20-04-10 18:34
0 492