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Farewell Network 2, Hello RTÉ TWO ?!? 12
12-10-04 19:32
55 5K
bbc radio in wexford
09-10-04 8:55
2 557
TV3 blows its trumpet
04-10-04 23:05
11 634
that todayfm quiz on last word - fridays answer
02-10-04 15:15
1 574
BBC and the Ryder Cup!
26-09-04 18:12
10 488
Ceefax is 30! Which page do you look at first?
26-09-04 4:27
11 682
hitch hikers guide to the galaxy - new radio series
22-09-04 23:37
2 479
Tv3 News
17-09-04 12:19
7 1.5K
Is it time RTE got off their ass? 12
28-08-04 23:50
40 1.8K
Fm104's Jeremy Dixon for President
28-08-04 1:40
0 540
Channel Breaks Broadcasting Laws
20-08-04 13:35
23 1.6K
"ITV may sell stake in TV3" - Sunday Business Post
17-08-04 23:24
6 689
Olympic Sports coverage
13-08-04 12:06
1 473
ITV threatens to scrap analouge broadcasts
10-08-04 12:46
7 697
Satanta Sport
25-07-04 18:40
5 976
The Broadcasting Act 1990 comes to Ireland, 15 years later... ???
20-07-04 23:55
4 752
Tony Allen R.I.P.
15-07-04 18:37
1 666
Sky News Ireland starts May 10th 12
13-07-04 17:44
60 2.9K
What % of Irish households have digital?
08-07-04 2:15
3 496
CanWest and UTV part company
04-07-04 18:28
4 678
DOGS on RTÉ 1234
29-06-04 20:12
94 4.4K
TG4 gets rid of DOG?
23-06-04 22:53
13 808
Network 2 in Widescreen
17-06-04 18:12
16 1.2K
Darina Allen Cookery Program on RTE 1
15-06-04 11:11
9 1.2K
British/Irish Breastfeeding prudery
10-06-04 21:06
3 612
BBC Keep Premiership Rights
04-06-04 21:57
2 502
[Article] Dermot Ahern Publishes RTE Charter
03-06-04 21:03
1 611
BB5 - Your opinion ?
02-06-04 13:35
16 881
Why do people hate UTV?
02-06-04 11:08
17 1.1K
France - Brazil Live On Tv5
21-05-04 13:36
2 557