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Battlefield games.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
BF4 PC Configs 123
31-10-13 17:12
122 5.9K
Cannot play with Xbox 360 s
09-11-13 9:02
8 512
Irish Clans/Platoons
12-11-13 11:23
9 565
Battlefield 4 map review
03-11-13 1:31
14 1.9K
Battlefield 4 - First Impressions 1234
29-10-13 17:06
165 7.9K
360 pad won't work with multiplayer
10-11-13 14:30
2 300
Next-gen console thread prefixes added
07-11-13 9:30
2 308
Console players rejoice
31-10-13 15:20
3 628
BF4 not loading from origin
05-11-13 9:36
8 760
BF4 FPS Drops
05-11-13 9:47
13 2.6K
How do you deploy into a vehicle /aircraft or team base on bf4?
05-11-13 11:09
5 1.3K
Xbox one -Kinect support for Bf4
26-10-13 17:52
2 464
buy bf3 premium edition get bf4 expantions ?
03-11-13 13:34
2 285
Lag Question/Poll?
01-11-13 22:34
5 472
BF4 Is Finally HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PICS/VID) 12...1112
31-10-13 15:06
590 33.4K
nVidia drivers 331.58 and AMD 13.11 beta for BF4 now out
21-10-13 17:13
6 880
BF4 not appearing in my order history
26-10-13 17:35
2 512
Spare BF3 key?
25-10-13 10:30
1 461
Competitive BF4 Is here !
24-10-13 13:20
4 595
BF3 dirt cheap in the Humble Bundle
14-08-13 18:37
12 1.2K
[Battlefield 4]Moaning & Bitching
09-10-13 21:31
12 984
[Battlefield 3]Moaning & Bitching 12...4445
20-10-13 15:59
2.2K 132.3K
Day 1 patch BF4
17-10-13 12:29
4 586
BF4, PS3 to PS4 upgrade
17-10-13 12:36
7 680
PS3 BF4 pre-order
15-10-13 12:26
2 530
Voice Settings
09-10-13 16:29
5 582
BF4 - Recruitment Thread
07-10-13 14:05
1 307
BF4 Beta on Xbox
01-10-13 17:24
2 440
Bf3 premium, new ps3
30-09-13 22:32
2 392
Euro gamer BF4
20-09-13 11:25
17 1.5K