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Battlefield games.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Battlefield 4 - Noob Servers?
23-01-14 19:23
1 484
BF4 xbox1, team up?
17-01-14 23:15
4 485
Bf3 Squad
20-01-14 19:42
0 277
BF4 PC Crashes 1234
02-11-13 12:30
166 8.8K
Ps3 and Ps4 battlefield 4 thread. 12...45
05-11-13 13:21
213 7.9K
AMD Mantle boosts Battlefield 4 performance by 45 per cent
10-01-14 10:53
1 367
What graphics card are you using for bf4 gents?
25-12-13 11:37
20 1.6K
What Keyboard
29-12-13 1:26
35 1.4K
Error message...
30-12-13 1:45
1 294
Dec 16th Patch/Update - broke SLI but better performance?
18-12-13 21:08
1 392
Want to become a better BF player?
17-12-13 17:07
3 635
Megaladon search
14-12-13 19:34
0 409
Where To Buy BF4 - For PC 12...67
19-09-13 9:37
301 14.8K
China Rising Opinions?
05-12-13 23:04
21 1.8K
Weapons discussion
24-11-13 14:55
32 2.3K
direct x error get device removed
19-11-13 13:49
12 912
PS3 - PS4 upgrade
09-12-13 0:19
8 528
new patch (December 9th)
09-12-13 12:14
0 233
Mid game: Disconnected Could not join server (1)
06-12-13 21:50
7 370
Criterion working on BF spin off?
06-12-13 15:28
2 239
Do you play Battlefield Competitive?
24-11-13 15:22
3 418
[PC] Bad FPS dips
05-12-13 23:21
6 434
BF3 vs BF4
13-11-13 10:51
43 5.1K
BF4: Share your Emblem Creations 12
29-11-13 23:45
53 8.6K
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is €1 on Origin
28-11-13 22:54
8 522
Controllers for helos/jets?
18-11-13 16:09
27 1.4K
BF4 on Xbox 360
05-11-13 11:52
11 809
Yea, still broken as **** 12
01-11-13 10:43
67 3.4K
Client Patch Notes
15-11-13 9:35
1 286
new patch
14-11-13 18:59
14 591