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Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Could you kill an animal with your bare hands? 123
31-12-11 12:46
82 4.1K
01-01-12 4:47
0 800
The Fear 123
23-09-11 7:51
77 21.5K
Millionaire Raffle Numbers
31-12-11 23:57
9 5.8K
Nostradamus gets it wrong again
31-12-11 20:04
29 2.6K
irish couple having sex online right now
01-01-12 2:33
15 6K
Is Monday a public holiday?
01-01-12 2:09
4 467
Happy new year
01-01-12 1:38
0 110
Happy New year if you're working right now
01-01-12 1:33
0 79
Don't Smack your Child, They'll take you to Court 12...67
29-12-11 10:55
190 12.3K
I dont do the Lottery that often...
31-12-11 21:53
25 1.7K
You read this because you saw SFX didnt you lol?
31-12-11 23:37
11 645
Kathryn Thomas do have some arse
31-12-11 22:28
18 9.4K
Why don't mods comment at the end of a thread before closing it?
31-12-11 23:46
1 315
good time to go?
31-12-11 23:39
4 492
Favourite childrens names...... 123
31-12-11 18:28
61 4.4K
Happy birthday
31-12-11 23:31
0 0
Have you donated to Wikipedia yet?
31-12-11 21:15
18 1.9K
Bliadhna Mhath Ur! Happy Hogmanay!
31-12-11 22:31
5 733
Squishy sponge type runners
31-12-11 21:30
0 146
We're (almost certainly) moving to Central European Time. Good or bad? 12...56
31-12-11 20:45
153 22.4K
Flippin vouchers.
31-12-11 19:33
11 808
Things you wont miss about 2011 12
31-12-11 19:59
37 2.2K
Happy new year :)
31-12-11 18:30
7 661
State allows prisoner on suicide watch kill himself. 12...1011
21-12-11 12:10
309 28.5K
Any tips? (depression related question)
31-12-11 15:41
7 783
witnessed somethin hilarious last night 12
31-12-11 14:54
56 6.8K
Worst Christmas cracker gifts?
31-12-11 4:22
28 2.2K
Furry boots are warm (Scotland)
31-12-11 11:57
5 748
Do Drink Aware ads bother anyone else ?
31-12-11 12:13
15 1.6K