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Current Affairs/IMHO [Link]

A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Was i right or wrong 12...2526
12-05-13 14:43
769 56.7K
Can you dance? 123
16-05-13 23:45
63 4.2K
You're only 1 among 7 billion... 123
30-04-13 17:31
81 7.9K
I know its only Thursday.....
16-05-13 22:03
25 2.3K
Switching back to mobile version
16-05-13 20:57
9 3.3K
Luas cross city line 123
16-05-13 20:20
74 9.2K
Mental cultural differences
16-05-13 15:44
16 2.1K
why is there a need to be so ignorant? 1234
08-05-13 18:52
119 13.8K
Did the bus strike effect you? 12
15-05-13 19:48
32 2.2K
Irish man killed in fighting in Syria 12
04-05-13 12:37
37 4.2K
Wrongly accused fare jumper wants video removed from the internet 12
16-05-13 15:27
32 3.6K
Laws to shut down mobile phone networks 12
16-05-13 11:16
47 3.9K
Unnerving Experience 12
05-05-13 1:35
52 5.5K
Petrol powered appliances
14-05-13 23:16
25 3.2K
It just feels wrong!
15-05-13 16:21
28 2.2K
D4 accent 12...56
14-05-13 10:17
152 18.3K
Best way to get over something? 123
16-05-13 12:58
67 4K
Speechless beyond belief 12
15-05-13 16:02
42 4.9K
Laws infringing on communications to be rushed in for a meeting in another Country
16-05-13 14:32
1 278
Naming the New Liffey Bridge
16-05-13 14:00
22 1K
Strange habits of a homeless man
16-05-13 10:23
27 2.5K
The most obnoxious conversation you've overheard? 12...89
22-11-12 11:45
262 61.8K
Disgusting attitude to larger ladies from A&F Ceo 12...1718
08-05-13 22:09
535 59.6K
Payday loans! 1234
02-05-13 11:36
100 12.4K
What's there to do in the UK? 123
15-05-13 22:28
65 4.9K
A Giant Walrus!! 123
15-05-13 1:03
69 4.5K
A thought for Ireland 12
29-04-13 2:35
51 5K
Why do most people feel bored and depressed without a job? 123
15-05-13 22:19
63 15.6K
Like The Film The Field
16-05-13 8:11
8 732
Keep it simple guys. Don't over think.
16-05-13 8:45
2 429