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double room and single room sizes
15-01-19 2:37
3 515
pay as you go gas meters
12-01-19 21:28
6 922
Help! Renting in Blanchardstown
14-12-15 0:03
19 3.9K
Ex Landlord charging new tenant more than 4% extra rent pressure zone. 123
13-01-19 13:40
61 4.7K
Why are bedrooms furnished in Ireland? 12
11-01-19 10:49
31 4.3K
Utilities box on house
12-01-19 20:01
5 523
14-01-19 13:23
2 317
Maintaining Partner's First Time Buyer Scheme 12
14-01-19 11:45
39 2K
Best area to live in Kildare town?
14-01-19 0:14
4 757
I know this is based in the States but...
13-01-19 12:59
4 905
Issues With OMC / Student Apartment 12
10-01-19 21:53
31 1.7K
Making several offers to one EA
13-01-19 11:20
1 433
Threat to protest stops eviction 12
10-01-19 7:27
33 3.1K
Time to ready?
11-01-19 16:38
11 974
Apt share - Mon to Fri arrangement
11-01-19 16:59
1 628
Asked for a reference then asked to leave
08-01-19 10:11
16 3K
Fixing - Does anyone consider the variable
11-01-19 15:26
6 368
Self contained unit in primary residence
06-01-19 23:45
17 2K
Landlord Advice
09-01-19 17:43
30 3K
Council Transfer List Waiting Time
10-01-19 16:21
3 537
House v Location 123
04-01-19 16:13
70 8.5K
Building Insurance
08-01-19 16:56
7 430
Legalities of accessing your own roof 12
09-01-19 23:49
39 2.8K
10-01-19 20:38
0 387
How long for a property to change to sale agreed?
09-01-19 16:52
9 1.8K
17-09-14 10:04
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How to look for a House in Dublin with Backlaneway or Side Entrance
09-01-19 13:57
8 995
social housing in upmarket estate 12...78
23-10-18 23:46
218 33.3K
Mortgage Approval, what's next?
08-01-19 18:03
2 654
Comparable Properties
08-01-19 13:58
5 507