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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Interest rate comparisons
08-01-19 15:46
2 307
Straffan Wood
05-04-17 10:38
16 3.6K
Best lease - 2 individuals renting in one property
07-01-19 18:34
6 460
07-01-19 14:32
6 572
Buying 1 Bedroom Apt Dublin City Centre
04-01-19 20:13
3 1.3K
Get mortgage myself but share ownership
06-01-19 19:57
15 1.9K
Notice for fixed term lease
05-01-19 12:03
2 944
Mortgage advice..
07-01-19 7:33
1 477
Its bash the landlord time again 12...910
27-12-18 8:30
294 21.2K
Mobile home living
20-08-18 20:50
21 4.8K
Landlord using tenants address for his post. 12
06-01-19 22:59
53 5.7K
Selling, Refurbishing New Home and Renting - Timing and Options
06-01-19 22:43
0 159
Install OFCH to help sell house?
06-01-19 3:37
11 1.3K
Surplus costs on New Home
04-01-19 23:38
21 1.9K
Renting Council Home, but have been left family home in a will.
05-01-19 16:57
11 1.7K
Murder house 123
05-01-19 21:59
71 12.4K
Rental Price Register
04-01-19 1:36
2 429
RTB wont take my case - tenant 12
04-01-19 0:52
41 4.4K
Rent increase
02-01-19 14:25
6 1.1K
Leak in apartment liability
03-01-19 21:33
6 617
Evictions 12...910
16-12-18 0:28
286 25.3K
New Build Dublin
04-01-19 10:17
3 472
Anti-social behaviour on private land
02-01-19 14:49
7 1.6K
Finding place to rent while being student on dole 12
01-01-19 13:07
33 3.6K
Buying away from "work"
02-01-19 20:07
6 1.3K
Returning home and getting a mortgage
30-12-18 21:06
10 1.6K
Bank statements for mortgage
03-01-19 15:58
7 649
Sell rental property now or in a year
02-01-19 23:03
10 1.3K
Cost of Commercial Rental Valuation
03-01-19 13:49
1 163
Neighbours tv
03-01-19 8:38
5 1.6K