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Weddings, Marriage & Civil Partnership

Something old, something new, something borrowed and shotguns, everything you need for the happy day!
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Wicklow Ceremony
27-01-19 14:24
12 871
Wedding Suit Rentals
20-01-19 14:00
9 1.8K
Including Children in Wedding Ceremony
09-01-19 15:41
19 2.1K
1st cousin has just booked wedding 7 days before mine. MOD WARNING POST #1 123
24-01-19 18:04
71 11.2K
Alternatives to music and dancing? 12
06-01-19 17:24
40 3.6K
Wedding Dress shops 12...1415
21-03-07 15:10
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Stag Ideas
16-01-19 17:31
2 663
Register my foriegn marriage for Tax
18-01-19 15:57
1 403
Need a wedding cake!!
17-01-19 21:58
4 638
Boyne Hill House Estate Reviews?
31-07-14 9:55
26 8.3K
Just starting.. best websites?
17-01-19 8:16
5 468
Rip off charges for humanist ceremony in ROI 12
16-01-19 9:31
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Hen party - is it ok to decline because it's costing too much? 123
16-01-19 19:12
78 16K
engagement ring shopping
09-01-14 0:45
12 3.3K
Wedding band suggestions?
14-01-19 17:53
0 228
Suit rental for the bigger man
14-01-19 12:06
1 299
Markree change of management
14-01-19 10:33
0 301
Expected cost for a dj set on top of band?
05-01-19 13:17
11 1.2K
Non traditional wedding dress
07-01-19 21:20
6 950
Spanish speaking celebrant
11-01-19 17:51
0 112
What you forgot!
20-07-18 15:04
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Negotiating the price of an engagement ring
09-01-19 13:24
9 1.4K
church music and singer
06-01-19 22:36
2 274
Hen Party in Westport
07-01-19 12:39
1 391
Antique engagement ring
26-12-18 19:14
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Venue cancelled provisional booking
09-01-19 11:12
19 2.4K
Engagement advice
08-01-19 12:59
27 2.7K
Recommendations on where to get wedding ring made
09-01-19 7:41
3 248
Small wedding.. can’t find a venue.
24-12-18 3:04
27 4.7K
First dance Lessons
08-01-19 16:16
4 326