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New Irish Soap ? For TV3
24-08-13 14:51
8 1.2K
Ireland AM on TV3... (Mod Warning: See Post 221) 12...78
29-04-08 13:45
236 65K
Anyone sticking with Intruders, BBC?
13-11-14 17:24
3 496
20-11-14 17:40
1 690
Where can I watch True Detective?
19-11-14 17:56
1 301
Requesting footage from TG4
19-11-14 13:55
3 330
What spoilers and leaks did the media get right about Love/Hate?
17-11-14 22:00
1 294
RTE Aertel and the ISEQ
17-11-14 17:05
0 1.2K
The Millers - New Greg Garcia Show
22-08-13 22:38
17 1.8K
Love/Hate - which parts are based on true story
29-10-14 20:54
11 2K
16-11-14 16:32
2 513
The Saturday Night Show - 15th. November 2014 12...67
15-11-14 22:34
196 10.9K
Fran or Nidge. Who do you want to survive?
14-10-14 20:33
24 2.8K
Homosexuality, and now the Holocaust....
19-08-13 13:31
1 1.9K
S7 - EP10 "Thank You" Series Finale [*SPOILERS WITHIN*]
25-08-14 17:36
24 2.6K
Later With Jools Holland
15-11-14 1:31
1 294
Brian Farrell has died
10-11-14 15:06
12 2K
How/Where to purchase netflix subscription
12-11-14 15:46
3 1.9K
Disney Christmas?
12-11-14 23:24
0 243
Atlantis [BBC - UK]
08-09-13 13:31
20 2.4K
Franklin & Bash [TNT - Spoilers] 123
19-05-11 15:19
77 7.7K
11-11-14 21:14
3 449
Love/Hate (Poll - Finale Spoilers)
10-11-14 20:02
6 874
Help - where did my tv show go?
10-11-14 21:46
4 577
Pauline Mcglynn
09-11-14 13:33
6 1.1K
Bron(The Bridge)
14-06-14 21:35
8 779
Tony O'Reilly: The Real Deal 12...56
03-11-14 23:12
155 13.7K
Glue-E4 12
15-09-14 22:02
31 2.6K
The Late Late Graham Norton Show - 7th. November 2014 12...2930
07-11-14 17:26
875 64.4K
How would you restructure the RTE budget to air 4 extra episodes of Love/Hate a year?
09-11-14 20:02
10 1K