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Health Sciences

Evolution, genetics, neurology, anatomy, etc.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
McCabes Pharmacy tests
18-07-17 17:02
5 1.1K
Radiation Therapy or Radiology as a Mature Student
22-07-17 22:03
0 576
'Mind-blowing' cows hold clue to beating HIV
21-07-17 21:39
1 552
Hepatitis B Vaccination
18-07-17 21:38
1 606
18-07-17 22:25
3 672
Doctor Referral
11-07-17 21:41
1 516
Nutrition/Dietician Part time/Online Accredited Course
15-07-17 10:02
1 1.2K
What's it like getting an MRI scan?
11-07-17 19:19
3 776
Disability allowance arrears
10-07-17 15:12
1 546
St Mary's rehab in Phoenix park
06-07-17 20:46
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Diagnosed with Bell's Palsy
05-07-17 14:27
1 565
GP out of hours
05-07-17 12:38
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Permanent treatment for acne?
03-07-17 23:56
1 531
I keep getting mouth ulcers :(
01-07-17 19:37
2 525
Ukraine Medical Degree
29-06-17 17:56
1 546
Girl I'm Dating Worried About PCOS
27-06-17 12:24
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Help adapting from Righthanded to Lefthanded ?
20-06-17 11:52
1 540
How to complain about a GP?
01-06-17 20:42
10 1.4K
24-06-17 18:40
1 462
Lloyds online doctor
10-01-16 1:57
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Cyberknife surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia
23-06-17 12:16
0 453
Rheumatoid arthritis - cost of treatment
15-06-17 22:04
10 1.6K
Sick house/electrical/magnetic or chemical
21-06-17 21:58
0 329
Nursing/ Midwifery Working hours
19-06-17 22:54
2 520
Removing plates and screws from elbow after 10 years
14-06-17 15:21
2 495
Going to hospital?
16-06-17 13:24
3 451
Pre Op Appointment in Mater Private
14-06-17 18:24
2 467
13-06-17 20:22
3 719
Parking at Beaumont Hospital
13-06-17 14:23
1 804
Tick bite - lump never went away.
07-06-17 22:07
1 495