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New Cineworld site- issues
23-03-16 11:48
4 364
The Survivalist
22-01-16 11:33
9 841
Favourite movie reviewers/critics
23-03-16 8:56
24 1.5K
Beyond the Black Rainbow
26-03-16 2:36
0 191
who would you cast as the 1916 signatories
26-03-16 0:12
1 225
First Wave Irish filmmakers on DVD?
12-03-16 16:27
8 515
What was this Movie?
25-03-16 18:10
1 325
Frozen 2
18-03-16 23:30
7 754
The Dead Zones Greg Stilson/Donald Trump.
21-03-16 12:44
1 291
big trouble in little china, john hughes and today fm
19-03-16 21:20
18 1.1K
The Callback Queen
04-07-13 13:22
13 2K
Pursuit (2105) Irish Film
19-09-15 4:41
3 695
Anyone seen Fantastic Planet (1973)
16-03-16 0:21
5 425
Southpaw 12
22-04-15 0:11
31 4.1K
Rocky spin-off movie Creed 12
25-07-13 17:13
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2:76:1 Cinema Screen Ireland (The Hateful Eight) 123
26-02-15 7:49
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Movie Question & Answer Quiz
14-03-16 12:33
26 819
Has anyone seen Le Feu Follet (1963) ???
17-03-16 1:09
0 148
Extra movie on DVDs
16-03-16 17:17
0 136
Has anyone used letterboxd?
22-12-14 22:01
13 933
Non English dialogue in movies
15-03-16 9:57
2 308
Michael Collins blu ray ???
15-03-16 16:50
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What do you think of my favorite 100 movies
15-03-16 0:53
1 290
New proposed movie streaming service - Your thoughts!!!
13-03-16 0:03
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Quentin Tarantino's next film The Hateful Eight 12...67
12-01-14 20:24
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Aaron Sorkin’s Steve Jobs 1234
11-10-11 10:31
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Quietest times to go to the cinema
09-03-16 1:07
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The Little Prince irish release date
12-01-16 0:03
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Movies like Ghost in the Shell
11-03-16 13:09
9 458
Where can I watch "Traders" this weekend?
10-03-16 8:16
6 498