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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
24-01-12 23:09
2 648
Theme: 'The Journey' in literature, any ideas?
29-01-12 13:26
1 824
'Just Fiction-Edition'
26-01-12 16:38
5 937
Who here's keeping a blog on writing?
26-01-12 0:26
3 597
Weird and Wonderful Words
24-01-12 18:52
0 450
Describing a Church (HELP!)
22-01-12 22:04
0 819
Interesting few months and a new arrival
10-01-12 13:23
21 2.1K
20-01-12 2:20
9 832
What you read/hear/write and US/UK/Hib English
20-01-12 11:00
6 796
I've got a blog. :)
18-01-12 3:37
4 693
Is my book idea wrong and disgusting?
18-09-11 21:32
20 3.4K
Opening Lines
15-01-12 16:14
23 1.4K
"You" a Short Story
18-01-12 19:35
3 678
17-01-12 11:33
10 720
Tiny play competition Irish Times/Fishamble 12
24-09-11 12:30
42 8.7K
Looking for Review Sites/Blogs for my Book!!!
11-01-12 4:08
2 648
Dialogue - realistic or snappy?
13-01-12 10:16
18 1.5K
Snowflake method
13-01-12 13:51
4 642
Poems -Adult content-
15-01-12 19:24
0 334
Share you're self-published ebooks!
09-01-12 10:57
19 2.7K
Spoken word piece
14-01-12 15:13
0 319
Could I have your opinion on this please?
14-01-12 3:05
6 863
"Lettura D'Amore" - Love Letter
14-01-12 3:04
0 579
How do you write?
11-01-12 17:27
15 1.5K
Looking for Writing Group (Dublin)
02-11-11 11:41
3 648
Selling on Amazon after publishing with lulu
08-10-11 15:15
2 987
First 3 chapters
10-01-12 0:54
2 522
A first effort.
08-01-12 16:44
3 537
New Beginnings (Short Story)
07-01-12 1:31
0 584
06-01-12 1:15
8 919