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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Describiing the iInside of a pub
27-11-11 19:31
7 818
Where do I submit screenplays
24-11-11 23:17
3 599
Newspapers/Mags that take short stories.
09-11-11 13:55
5 1.3K
First draft
22-11-11 2:26
2 550
Working In a Shop...
12-11-11 12:54
9 1.4K
Xmas Treasure Hunt For Wife
17-11-11 1:15
6 1.3K
Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair
31-10-11 11:01
18 3.5K
12-11-11 14:52
6 734
Short story intro - critique/criticism welcome!
17-10-11 10:36
11 1.6K
Book opening
11-11-11 14:12
4 644
Poem - Diamonds by night
11-11-11 16:13
0 337
Jimmy Marks: The man, The myth, What was the third one sparky?
17-05-11 21:36
2 633
A Poem for my daughter
03-11-11 4:57
2 655
Advice for a beginner
29-10-11 17:05
7 1.2K
World Rights
06-11-11 18:11
0 339
Poems/short about passing on characteristics/features/likeness from parent to sibling
03-11-11 0:50
7 982
Extraordinary life in a farm
06-04-11 0:47
8 2K
24-10-11 17:12
3 657
cut glass magic 12
20-07-08 19:40
39 6.5K
Looking for young American female writers in Dublin
17-10-11 21:31
13 1.6K
Disclaimer- Mild adult themes- a few paragraphs
25-10-11 17:14
3 877
Creative Writing Circle Dublin
13-02-11 19:03
24 3.5K
21-10-11 16:45
0 471
Raymond Carver
12-10-11 19:30
4 786
Mills & Boon Competition 12
19-09-11 22:19
41 3.7K
Need help with finding alternative word from "create"
28-09-11 16:52
22 2.8K
Let the Band Play
14-10-11 17:50
1 469
Is blogging creative writing?
03-10-11 12:02
11 1.2K
Repeating Phrases and Writing styles
07-10-11 11:04
4 743
Conflicting advice
13-10-11 12:49
8 868