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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
New novel, anyone with time to read?
23-01-12 12:49
27 2.6K
How does a publisher determine what is going to be good literature?
23-02-12 0:19
10 814
Need tips/advice please
20-01-12 1:21
6 1.1K
Advice on being commissoned to write first book...
18-02-12 19:46
5 814
What exactly do they mean by "published"?
18-02-12 18:17
1 526
A critique of a (very) short story sought :)
06-02-12 10:30
6 1.3K
Our children are our alibis.
17-02-12 19:04
5 566
10-02-12 23:30
7 1.3K
Warning about Apples new iBooks Author program
20-01-12 21:45
4 1.2K
16-02-12 21:10
0 338
Writers Meet-Up Group?
14-02-12 23:32
3 649
Writing help!
15-02-12 11:41
11 962
Can anyone offer a critique of this poem?
06-02-12 2:43
7 834
Creative Writing Books
28-12-11 3:15
9 1.5K
Short Story: Aaron's Boots
14-02-12 20:54
0 556
Love Song - "Walking Away" - Feedback please
14-02-12 16:09
0 277
Competition: Variations on a theme 7 (Photo) 1234
05-01-12 16:57
101 6.5K
Poem critique
10-02-12 3:27
3 563
This small poem. Any opinions? :)
12-02-12 22:59
2 512
Short story. Would like some feedback please.
01-10-11 14:22
22 2.4K
Help me Blog
29-01-12 21:00
15 1.4K
08-02-12 15:17
3 550
Forest's Glow (short story)
23-01-12 14:08
28 2.1K
Creative (non)fiction - yes or which?
08-02-12 14:45
2 382
Short stories and poems for charity
06-02-12 21:18
0 1.4K
Publishing a novella as a first book
04-02-12 5:40
7 1.5K
Its/it's proper usage 12
27-01-12 2:57
35 2.7K
Short Story Competition 7 (Photo) - Vote HERE!
23-01-12 14:50
29 2.4K
18-01-12 10:06
5 776
Linear issue
30-01-12 13:47
7 589