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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Pathos versus Bathos
16-09-14 7:31
0 396
Feedback on new project
29-08-14 13:49
12 1.1K
Scene from my novel
11-09-14 14:04
1 444
Can I get some feedback/advice on this short please?
27-08-14 10:34
1 670
Opening Prologue To My Novel
22-07-14 19:30
14 1.6K
10-09-14 17:03
0 311
Dictionary Corner!
10-09-14 2:11
0 376
08-09-14 14:50
2 362
07-09-14 11:58
6 543
How do you handle giving criticism?
05-09-14 10:51
2 337
Short story comp
08-08-14 20:37
4 705
Writing on on ipad
02-09-14 21:30
1 385
Any money in reference or 'topic' book writing anymore?
03-09-14 10:34
2 411
Critical feedback on poem
31-08-14 14:19
13 937
New Haiku Thread
28-08-14 20:15
3 429
Writing Project
12-08-14 22:29
13 1.8K
Creative writers - sci-fi
25-08-14 12:09
1 459
Need a critique please !
21-06-14 9:56
10 1.9K
mad whatcha come up with after a few beers...
21-08-14 1:16
2 578
How would I go about sourcing a publisher?
09-08-14 15:12
1 545
Good Fair or Downright rubbish your views please
07-06-14 0:46
38 3.7K
Want to organise Penpals for my class
01-08-14 9:48
0 25
Need example of appendices
29-07-14 23:00
5 765
Simple question for you
30-07-14 20:59
4 716
28-07-14 19:25
3 708
An Excerpt from the first chapter of my novel
28-07-14 22:36
0 513
Descriptions of people...
21-07-14 18:04
13 1.1K
Recommend a designer for cover and formatting?
14-03-14 21:40
1 806
Help with punctuation of thoughts.
27-07-14 10:09
4 672
Self publishing
04-03-14 10:16
47 6K