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Hydrogen Peroxide
23-07-06 14:17
2 507
Any advice on Zero Loss Timber Houses and Air Drawn Geothermal ?
17-05-06 21:24
20 5.1K
Population growth and resources lecture
17-07-06 13:08
1 402
A brave new wind
11-07-06 20:53
11 649
Composting Weeds
30-06-06 13:02
6 699
Hydro power of the Mayo Coast
14-07-06 12:49
1 475
Horizon Documentary last nite.
14-07-06 13:00
1 533
Home Recycling
09-06-06 11:41
21 1.2K
Energy Week
14-07-06 10:13
0 309
Larry Goodman and Biodiesel from Animal Fat
11-07-06 22:03
6 1K
13-07-06 22:37
20 3.8K
Another way to store electricity
06-07-06 21:45
15 1.6K
Coal to oil
12-07-06 13:35
1 345
11-07-06 20:07
0 394
GAS & OIL prices to increase by ~46%
05-07-06 20:08
19 824
advice about the windsave system
06-07-06 20:59
1 484
An Taisce brands Fintan O'Tooles bungalow plans as "criminal"
05-07-06 17:33
2 2K
Eco kitchen
05-07-06 20:41
1 692
REPS and selling land
03-07-06 20:23
4 411
Are we ready for an oil shock? 12
28-06-06 11:53
59 1.6K
An Inconvenient Truth
29-06-06 16:39
4 393
recycling old cd cases
02-07-06 21:28
3 607
Noise pollution controls
03-07-06 21:43
0 402
An alternative way totreat litter louts.
27-06-06 23:04
5 520
Composting and rats.
27-06-06 8:25
12 1.1K
Enviro joke -
30-06-06 12:14
2 472
The fate of the whales
15-06-06 13:13
13 958
European ROHS directive.
30-06-06 14:37
2 352
Shops and Bins
26-06-06 13:47
5 393
Wood pellet burners
30-06-06 18:43
0 507