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steorn 'free energy' - breakthrough or snake oil?
18-08-06 16:10
21 2.2K
warmer homes scheme
23-08-06 1:17
0 423
Morality of recycling
19-08-06 21:53
4 554
When if ever will green bins take plastic?
21-08-06 14:05
2 425
Tiny reactor
10-08-06 22:34
7 491
The best nuclear links - the pros and the cons
12-08-06 14:48
3 490
Free green speech
19-08-06 13:22
0 341
Wood pellets, grain or rape cake?
16-08-06 6:54
3 573
wind power used as water heating
15-08-06 1:42
9 818
11-08-06 9:09
6 424
Another information source for Green products
14-08-06 11:59
0 448
Recycling Computers
09-08-06 15:55
6 570
Bagged Wood Pellets
03-08-06 13:57
3 742
Nuclear industry to put Russia on top of the world.
12-08-06 14:40
0 367
One Third US CO2 emmissions cut, using Nuke Reprocessing
12-08-06 14:20
0 293
25-07-06 23:42
15 873
Better Environment with Nuclear Energy 1234
01-08-06 15:27
104 2.6K
Ballyogan Recycling Park
10-08-06 15:55
2 556
Solar Heating idea
09-01-06 16:09
9 754
Recommendations For Solar Panels
08-08-06 20:27
1 580
recycling old spectacles
28-07-06 20:30
3 585
Is rain water drinkable? 12
16-07-06 13:51
32 1.7K
Major UK Government Environment Audit published
07-08-06 13:48
0 280
CHP Grants announced
03-08-06 15:37
0 368
Zero point energy
03-08-06 0:37
1 340
Airtricity, a question
31-07-06 2:37
7 1.3K
Solar question - west facing roof
24-07-06 17:30
3 531
Tissue paper, hand dryers and towels
26-07-06 15:01
2 422
Advice on heating or new house.
27-07-06 21:18
2 584
[article]Dublin to "import" Shannon water?
23-07-06 22:42
4 794