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Discussion of Environmental Science
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Green spaces and growing herbs etc.
28-06-06 13:38
1 361
Recycling for empty cartridges/toners from fax machines/printers etc.
28-06-06 12:04
3 487
Nuclear Power is not cost effective 12
07-06-06 21:58
33 1.3K
Water wastage
18-06-06 11:36
10 558
Has Saudi Reached Peak Oil?
12-06-06 13:49
16 767
BioDiesel ASTM PS121 or DIN 51606????
16-06-06 8:25
0 929
Is it feasable to go off grid?
06-06-06 21:57
14 1.1K
Newspaper inserts
14-06-06 8:20
6 563
Solar Panels and Birds
14-06-06 15:34
1 706
Planning for shed
05-06-06 22:50
7 616
List Your Top 5 most wasteful & harmful enviromental things that we can do without
26-05-06 13:02
13 792
New green web sites
06-06-06 16:08
1 476
biodiesel: glycerol anyone?
07-06-06 11:03
4 439
Worm composting
06-05-06 12:33
13 2K
What to back wind farms with? 12
13-05-06 0:27
37 1.6K
A useful summary of the Hydrogen Economy
07-06-06 13:57
1 380
wood chippings for heating? (and other questions)
07-06-06 0:17
10 564
Who killed the electric car?
25-05-06 19:53
16 822
Plastic Recycling
01-06-06 14:51
1 453
intersting article on US car culture
30-05-06 13:18
2 504
Dick Roche finally moves on EU Performance of New Buildings Directive
31-05-06 13:09
0 422
Is global warming a load of propaganda?
15-05-06 19:23
26 1.2K
Borehole versus horizontal collector heatpumps
26-05-06 16:20
3 628
hydrothermal ?
26-05-06 16:14
0 321
Idea for natural shed heating...
17-05-06 15:52
5 515
Brits go all out to reduce CO2 emissions.
25-05-06 16:23
0 431
Are we ****ed? 12
23-05-06 10:52
36 1.4K
1984 Bhopal - Union Carbide Genocide - 20,000 dead
16-05-06 20:52
19 885
Go Nuclear or no? 1234
21-04-06 23:40
117 4.8K
Is Bertie "stuck on stupid"
02-05-06 16:39
30 1.1K