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Battlefield games.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
project reality
16-05-06 18:43
14 510
Font size and colour
17-05-06 15:26
7 464
Free Special Forces Competition
14-04-06 13:42
28 900
Operation Peacekeeper But Which One?
17-05-06 18:55
3 377
Why include infantry?
15-05-06 9:56
19 651
8 new armoured furry screens
16-05-06 13:29
9 417
USI - BF2 Mod
12-05-06 7:53
20 1.5K
Base raping USI style
15-05-06 21:16
2 420
OPK any good?
15-05-06 9:53
8 371
So, your disc is gone AWOL
13-05-06 19:38
18 591
BF2 on XBOX 360
14-05-06 22:49
1 270
Bf2 MC ps2 9.99
12-05-06 15:28
2 292
I lost the serial key.
12-05-06 19:06
3 291
BF 2142 at Gamespots E3 Preshow
07-05-06 3:33
16 647
Armoured Furry Booster pack 2 inc free bugs
02-05-06 10:05
17 1.2K
10-05-06 22:06
5 392
No More Spawn On Squad Leader?
10-05-06 11:41
7 367
Interesting screenie.
05-05-06 18:17
30 1K
Attack heli tips
02-05-06 12:47
27 1.1K
islamic militants using BF2 with mod for propaganda
05-05-06 10:00
10 670
Beginner Q's please help =D
04-05-06 16:03
8 400
04-05-06 7:55
2 393
Community Update - 5/03/06
03-05-06 21:11
7 394
Special place to hit vehicles
20-04-06 12:44
10 698
Organise Summin Tonight?
30-04-06 16:53
9 395
MEC Crazy
27-04-06 10:32
10 550
BF2 Startup Problem
26-04-06 10:50
9 412
1st-Ib and NRG are a bunch of wasters. This Video is proof!
25-04-06 15:12
11 655
Idea for a new feature(only for commanders)
27-04-06 22:38
7 541
Patch 1.3 Info
25-04-06 16:10
22 934