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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Atheism & Agnosticism - why in the same forum? 12
13-09-09 17:46
33 2K
Herding Cats!
19-09-09 17:01
25 1.8K
Dawkins on Newstalk in a few mins
20-09-09 11:59
10 1.1K
Democralogue - The Blasphemy Debate: In Their Own Words
12-09-09 7:18
5 762
Jedi ejected from Tesco for wearing hood 12
18-09-09 14:07
50 4.6K
Preamble to the Irish Constitution 12
22-09-09 0:48
35 4.8K
Psychic and White Witch- Dublin
22-09-09 10:48
5 536
On the Origins of the A&A Forum
19-09-09 21:33
16 2K
Richard Dawkins on the Late Late 12...910
18-09-09 22:50
281 26.9K
Do you find people braver these days?
12-09-09 14:46
6 753
Funerals and dying... 123
12-09-09 23:21
66 5.6K
In the News...
19-09-09 20:49
10 790
Baptismal records exempt from deletion under data protection act.
16-09-09 23:23
5 957
Have you ever seen anything like this?
16-09-09 22:55
10 899
Some atheists are as closed minded as religious fanatics
16-09-09 13:38
9 815
Scientific arguments for the existence of God and an afterlife
16-09-09 12:30
2 537
Who's going to the Darwin movie??
16-09-09 10:36
1 361
Give me your soul! :)
16-09-09 8:12
4 470
Religious Visions/Apparitions
15-09-09 12:25
2 557
Timespan of religions
11-09-09 12:07
13 1.3K
Creation - The Story of Charles Darwin
09-09-09 20:38
18 1.7K
The Greatest Show On Earth 123
03-09-09 0:36
70 5.7K
Opting Out of First Communion 12...78
06-09-09 12:42
220 24.5K
RD on Sky at 11:15
13-09-09 11:02
9 730
Alternative Religion
08-09-09 19:56
22 1.8K
Marian Finucane
12-09-09 21:16
3 661
Epistemological Revelation vs. epistemological empiricism; or Science vs. Theology. 12
09-09-09 9:46
33 3.9K
Religion as a coincidence of where you are born 12
10-09-09 16:12
50 2.7K
Is spirituality a faculty?
09-09-09 23:36
8 690
life? fate? destiny? or just chance?
05-09-09 16:46
30 2.7K