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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
GAA Football/Hurling as a subject for paintings?
17-11-09 12:22
3 1.9K
Guitar Making Craft Courses
04-12-09 13:57
1 979
Decorative metal work (sort of)
05-12-09 23:14
0 368
looking to buy
19-11-09 22:13
5 919
knitting board
03-12-09 15:17
2 569
haberdashery/fashion trimmings etc in Kildare
03-12-09 17:42
0 1.4K
Where to do art portfolio preparation?
22-02-07 17:53
7 3.7K
i Need ideas for my JC Art Project !!
23-09-09 20:33
6 2.4K
Fabric Scraps/Cheap Ribbon and Felt
18-11-09 14:38
7 2.8K
Snazaroo Face Paint Problem
31-10-09 17:30
3 706
DressMaking Course??
01-12-09 22:26
5 1.6K
21st card
01-12-09 19:25
1 484
Big Crafts Fair at the Clarion Sligo this Sat and Sun
01-12-09 22:57
0 342
Stick on diamante!
01-12-09 17:56
0 404
Sky Lanterns
15-08-08 18:53
5 2.7K
Matt Lamination
01-12-09 16:23
0 370
28-11-09 21:29
0 387
Art work on a bodhran
25-11-09 13:21
2 662
Leatherette or Vinyl material?
22-11-09 13:42
1 1.1K
The Crafty Market?
22-11-09 21:25
5 783
26-11-09 16:19
1 679
sealer question
04-06-08 22:08
3 728
Looking for a 3D Street Artist!
26-11-09 14:11
0 428
Junior cert art grinds
17-11-09 23:47
2 917
christmas fair
27-09-07 21:14
31 10.1K
LSAD Students?
24-11-09 16:16
0 624
Bamboo in Dublin??
21-11-09 16:38
0 436
Furniture repair
19-11-09 12:32
0 418
Bunting fabric-where to buy?
18-11-09 21:54
0 476
Seeking Rowan Big Wool - lilac colour
17-11-09 20:41
1 464