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Alternative & Indie

Alternative and independent music.
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St.Vincent Actor
23-06-09 9:18
1 316
God Help The Girl.
12-04-09 3:07
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gemma hayes
10-06-09 8:59
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Possible At The Drive In reunion!
17-06-09 21:52
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Album of the Week #79: Voting
14-06-09 19:44
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new music needed to stop me hatin my iPOD!
19-06-09 20:19
0 1K
Album of the Week #78: Amnesiac by Radiohead
14-06-09 19:57
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Best Garbage album?
11-06-09 17:32
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The Raindrop Melody Maker - worth a try
17-06-09 19:53
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Can anyone recognise this song?
16-06-09 21:49
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Not sure if this is the right thread? Mobys' new album?
16-06-09 22:11
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Irish cover album thingy?
15-06-09 18:32
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PJ Harvey...
15-04-09 16:33
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Marmaduke Duke - Duke Pandemonium
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The Stunning - Brewing up a storm
12-06-09 20:02
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Recommend me some Sonic Youth
08-06-09 12:05
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Album of the Week #77: Mezzanine by Massive Attack
07-06-09 19:13
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Album of the Week #78: Voting
07-06-09 18:58
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Best of 2009 thus far? 123
26-05-09 21:53
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Sigur Ros - Glosoli. Can a tune make you cry.. 12
05-06-09 15:02
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Fanfarlo debut album for a $1
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Any Radio Broadcast For Slane?
12-06-09 17:52
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"Wait For me by Table Eight" Lyrics ?
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Stone Roses -Second Coming 12
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10-06-09 16:53
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Gigiddy Tv irish online music tv site
10-06-09 1:07
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ASH carry out their 'no more albums' promise
20-05-09 9:36
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Setting up alt grungy band interested???
08-06-09 20:10
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...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead
29-01-09 15:36
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