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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part X *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,011 ✭✭✭✭niallo27

    ypres5 wrote: »
    So all the posts about irish people and southern reg cars being attacked were a group hallucination on the part of the people here? Considering I'm not the first person to reference them.

    Stop replying honestly, it's not good for your health. It's endless bull****.

  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭darconio

    charlie14 wrote: »
    What is so difficult for you to understand in relation to a country`s official statistics ?
    What you are attempting to demonstrate is using a document that is not official state statistics.

    The official state statistical authority for Ireland is the Central Statistics Office.
    Every country in the E.U. has one. Recognised by it`s own government and Eurostat as such. Until the CSO publish the complete records, anything else is supposition.

    You have been making much of WHO "directives" and "guidelines" inflating Covid deaths. What the WHO have to say is not going to make a blind bit of difference as to what the figure is. Excess deaths when they are officially known for Ireland will do that. Same as they already do for the rest of the E.U., showing that excess deaths coincide with the various Covid waves.

    If by chance your document is correct, (and on HIQA`s past record I would not bet too much on that if I was you), then it will just show how much more successful we have been in minimising Covid deaths compared to not just in the E.U. but in the world.
    If you have so much faith in this document then can I take it you acknowledge that ?

    I see you don't want to simply acknowledge the evidence: if the numbers that make your statistics are incorrect, the resulting statistics won't be correct.
    That's it I'm out, I won't explain this anymore.
    If official reports are considered correct/incorrect only when they support your agenda then I'm afraid it doesn't make any sense to even have a conversation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,243 ✭✭✭User1998

    charlie14 wrote: »
    I really do not understand what point you are making. Other than perhaps that we should just have ignored a transmittable virus that in a year has caused over 3 Million+ deaths on the basis that if you die you die.

    If it is then maybe we should abondon all medical interventions regardless.

    People die all the time that’s just apart of life. I don’t see the big deal about having say 10% more worldwide deaths for 1 year. Its 1 year out of thousands and thousands of years that people have been on this earth. Think of the bigger picture

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,989 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    darconio wrote: »
    I see you don't want to simply acknowledge the evidence: if the numbers that make your statistics are incorrect, the resulting statistics won't be correct.
    That's it I'm out, I won't explain this anymore.
    If official reports are considered correct/incorrect only when they support your agenda then I'm afraid it doesn't make any sense to even have a conversation.

    You really do appear to be very confused as to statistics that are regarded and acknowledged as a country`s official statistic and those that are not. Even if I have done my best to explain that to you.

    Official statistic have nothing to do with supporting an agenda or not. They simply are what they are, and the official statistics of the other 26 E.U. countries are at variance with what you are claiming.

    Who knows, perhaps your figures when the official statistics are known are correct. But you do not appear to even believe that yourself, as you keep avoiding answering the question that if they are then would that not show how extraordinarily effective Ireland has been in keeping Covid deaths so low.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,196 ✭✭✭TomSweeney

    So in Oregon they want to introduce an indefinte mask law ..... basically mask wearing forever ....

    In Canada they want the police to get new powers to keep people locked up in their homes, and asking people to snitch on their neighbours ..

    Canada is becoming a Fascist state.

    Evil evil people, also this at a time when vaccines are being ramped out ..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    I initially reported it as I heard it and in the context of the conversation I believe that is what he was saying. Then I went back and quoted his exact words which were that NPHET counted all deaths with covid. I.E. if you had covid at the time of death you were counted in the numbers.
    I believe that is saying the same thing anyway.
    Are you a professional arguer?You remind me of John Cleese in that Monty python scene

    Again that's your personal interpretation and spinning the word 'with'

    The died "with / of" covid has been dragged over the coals more time than I've had hot dinners already. It doesn't wash.

    For clarification see - the HSPC "Can you describe what death in confirmed/probable/possible case of COVID-19 means?"

    The above include stipulations that death due to Covid cannot be assigned where where there is a clear alternative cause of death (e.g. trauma).

    This is a discussion. So maybe drop the daft personalisation stuff. I could make similar asides - but you know what - I couldn't be arsed.

    Here are cases of people who have died with (of) covid and which were reported in the media and not by reason of being counted in the numbers...

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    Seweryn wrote: »
    Right at the start, it was obvious that the lockdowns and closures of hospital departments would kill far more people than the over-promoted virus.
    And that is exactly what has happened.
    What made that obvious?
    And what makes you think that the lockdowns did, in fact, kill far more people than covid?
    And what you do think would have happened if we didn't lockdown?

    Have you looked at the excess death rates in other countries (US, UK, etc)?
    Do you think they had a different virus to us?

    It's easy to claim anything, but a bit more difficult to back it up with reason and logic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,985 ✭✭✭normanoffside

    gozunda wrote: »
    Again that's your personal interpretation and spinning the word 'with'

    The died old with / of covid has been dragged over the coals more time than I've had hot dinners already. It doesn't wash.

    For clarification see - the HSPC "Can you describe what death in confirmed/probable/possible case of COVID-19 means?"

    The above include stipulations that death due to Covid cannot be assigned where where there is a clear alternative cause of death (e.g. trauma).

    This is a discussion. So maybe drop the daft personalisation stuff. I could make similar asides - but you know what - I couldn't be arsed.

    Here are cases of people who have died with (of) covid and which were reported in the media

    You refuse to understand plain English as spoken by Glynn and Varadkar in the context the statements were made.

    There is really is really no point arguing with you.

    Please don't reply with your essays to me any more as I won't be responding so you're wasting your time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,989 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    User1998 wrote: »
    People die all the time that’s just apart of life. I don’t see the big deal about having say 10% more worldwide deaths for 1 year. Its 1 year out of thousands and thousands of years that people have been on this earth. Think of the bigger picture

    That really has to be up there with the craziest replies I have ever recieved.

    The world population increased by 1.08% last year. Down from 1.08% for 2019, 1.1% for 2018 and 1.12% for 2016.
    If you are having deaths of 10% year on year, do you not perhaps see a flaw in your thousands of years big picture theory.

    Actually don`t bother replying. On second thought I really have no interest in having a discussion with someone who looks on over 3 Million worldwide deaths a year due to a particular virus as an irrevelance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    TomSweeney wrote: »
    So in Oregon they want to introduce an indefinte mask law ..... basically mask wearing forever ....

    In Canada they want the police to get new powers to keep people locked up in their homes, and asking people to snitch on their neighbours ..

    Canada is becoming a Fascist state.

    Evil evil people, also this at a time when vaccines are being ramped out ..

    Your first sentence is inaccurate and misleading (and the rest of your post is fantasy).
    You should check out for yourself what the indefinite mask law was about!
    Perhaps update the record here with the reality after you check!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,243 ✭✭✭User1998

    charlie14 wrote: »
    That really has to be up there with the craziest replies I have ever recieved.

    The world population increased by 1.08% last year. Down from 1.08% for 2019, 1.1% for 2018 and 1.12% for 2016.
    If you are having deaths of 10% year on year, do you not perhaps see a flaw in your thousands of years big picture theory.

    Who said anything about year on year? This is for one year and one year only. We’ve had 3 million with/of covid deaths in a year compared to 55 million general deaths.

    You also have to consider that there are almost 8 billion people walking the earth.

    What I’m saying is that if we had of relaxed with the whole worldwide lockdowns and ended up with 10% excess deaths for one year and one year only would it had really been a massive deal? Its one year out of thousands of years that humans have walked this earth

    Death in old age is natural and it seems that some people have forgotten that. I know its awful for families to have a loved one die but these things inevitably happen unfortunately

  • Registered Users Posts: 500 ✭✭✭PaulJoseph22

    Seweryn wrote: »
    The explanation is simple, but there are no official figures supporting the fact.

    Right at the start, it was obvious that the lockdowns and closures of hospital departments would kill far more people than the over-promoted virus. And that is exactly what has happened.

    Hospital departments were shut and hospital staff with not enough to do performed funny dances which were put onto the internet to entertain the patients who were being denied medical treatment. Politicians claimed that hospitals were under huge pressure, but the figures showed that wards and intensive care units were emptier than usual.

    So called cure (the lockdown policies and the refusal to treat other patients to "protect" them from infection) kills far more people than the disease. But no, you will not find it in official figures. Because who is going to admit and explain this? Corrupted politicians or lying doctors?

    This, an absolute disgrace that everything ignored apart from Covid.
    The only way I could get a hospital appointment this year was to go to a private hospital and pay for it.
    This country is a disgrace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    PintOfView wrote: »
    Your first sentence is inaccurate and misleading (and the rest of your post is fantasy).
    You should check out for yourself what the indefinite mask law was about!
    Perhaps update the record here with the reality after you check!

    This is the proposed ordinance with regard to masks in Oregon.
    PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)...

    A top health official is considering indefinitely extending rules requiring masks and social distancing in all businesses in the state.

    The proposal would keep the rules in place until they are “no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace.

    Thing is that the alternative reality is getting worse. I've no doubt much of social media is leading the charge with spreading some of these whackey ideas ie that we're all going to be forced to wear masks forever is up there with all deaths being recorded "with covid" just to artificially inflate death numbers. The whole thing just gets crazier and crazier every time tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,156 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    Is tomorrow the big day or will it be next Tuesday in regards deciding on the restrictions ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 989 ✭✭✭Stormyteacup

    gozunda wrote: »
    Again that's your personal interpretation and spinning the word 'with'

    The died "with / of" covid has been dragged over the coals more time than I've had hot dinners already. It doesn't wash.

    For clarification see - the HSPC "Can you describe what death in confirmed/probable/possible case of COVID-19 means?"

    The above include stipulations that death due to Covid cannot be assigned where where there is a clear alternative cause of death (e.g. trauma).

    This is a discussion. So maybe drop the daft personalisation stuff. I could make similar asides - but you know what - I couldn't be arsed.

    Here are cases of people who have died with (of) covid and which were reported in the media and not by reason of being counted in the numbers...

    So strange - I posted the HSE links yesterday evening and this morning in another thread to completely disprove what you are trying to allege.

    Please read the reply to question on the HSE website again. The stipulations apply only to a probable or possible case - where the attending medical professional can make a call in the absence of an ante-mortem test.

    For all deaths with confirmed tests ante-mortem;

    ‘Deaths in confirmed COVID-19 case: A death in a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem).’

    It really couldn’t be any clearer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,989 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    User1998 wrote: »
    Who said anything about year on year? This is for one year and one year only. We’ve had 3 million with/of covid deaths in a year compared to 55 million general deaths.

    You also have to consider that there are almost 8 billion people walking the earth.

    What I’m saying is that if we had of relaxed with the whole worldwide lockdowns and ended up with 10% excess deaths for one year and one year only would it had really been a massive deal? Its one year out of thousands of years that humans have walked this earth

    Death in old age is natural and it seems that some people have forgotten that. I know its awful for families to have a loved one die but these things inevitably happen unfortunately

    Death will come to us all, but it seems you have an idea as to what age there should be no medical intervention to prolong life

    There are a few other flaws in your no world lockdown theory, but tbh on your natural death belief and your, to paraphrase, "shucks sure over 3 Million deaths from a virus is nothing", as I said it`s a conversation I have no wish to engage in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    So strange - I posted the HSE links yesterday evening and this morning in another thread to completely disprove what you are trying to allege.Please read the reply to question on the HSE website again. The stipulations apply only to a probable or possible case - where the attending medical professional can make a call in the absence of an ante-mortem test.For all deaths with confirmed tests ante-mortem;

    ‘Deaths in confirmed COVID-19 case: A death in a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem).’

    It really couldn’t be any clearer.

    Did you? What HSE links yesterday? Yes I agree it is quite clear.

    The above is the HPSC website detailing the ECDC guidelines for reporting/ determining covid deaths.

    There are three categories for reporting / determining Covid deaths viz

    The first relates to covid cases / deaths which have unequivocally been confirmed by laboratory tests. Its not difficult to understand.

    Deaths in confirmed COVID-19 case: A death in a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem).

    The wording is rather brief- but what it effectively means is that where a person dies as a result of covid which has been determined by a laboratory confirmation- then other criteria do not have to be applied. It does not mean that if you get a positive test this year, recover and get hit by a bus in 10 years time - that cause of death will be put down as a covid related death. It won't.

    The next two are confirmed not by laboratory tests but with regard to a medical diagnosis etc.

    Deaths in probable COVID-19 case: A death in a person with probable COVID-19 infection

    Where a Probable case is defined as
    "Any person meeting the clinical criteria with an epidemiological link
    Any person meeting the diagnostic imaging criteria"

    Where Clinical criteria

    A patient with acute respiratory infection (sudden onset of at least one of the following; cough, fever1, shortness of breath)


    Sudden onset of anosmia2, ageusia3 or dysgeusia4


    A patient with severe acute respiratory infection (fever and at least one sign/symptom of respiratory disease (e.g. cough, fever, shortness of breath)) AND requiring hospitalisation (SARI) AND with no other aetiology that fully explains the clinical presentation.

    Clinical judgement should be applied in application of these criteria to determine who requires testing.

    Diagnostic imaging criteria
    Radiological evidence showing lesions compatible with COVID-19

    Deaths in possible/suspect COVID-19 case:

    Possible Case classification

    Any person meeting the clinical criteria (see above)

    For full definitions of each of the above see link

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,599 ✭✭✭Dr. Bre

    PTH2009 wrote: »
    Is tomorrow the big day or will it be next Tuesday in regards deciding on the restrictions ?

    Next 2 weeks I hear ...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 452 ✭✭Sharpyshoot

    Dr. Bre wrote: »
    Next 2 weeks I hear ...

    Are critical.

  • Registered Users Posts: 989 ✭✭✭Stormyteacup

    gozunda wrote: »
    Did you? What HSE links yesterday

    The above is the HPSC website detailing the ECDC guidelines for reporting/ determining covid deaths.

    I've no idea what you've posted btw.

    Hardly matters - it was an aside, remarking on the coincidence. It’s here;

    Any comment on the answer to the question on HSPC -

    ‘Q. Can you describe what death in confirmed/probable/possible case of COVID-19 means?’

    I’ll post the response re confirmed cases just in case;

    ‘Deaths in confirmed COVID-19 case: A death in a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem).‘

    Thereafter probable and possible cases are explained - but confirmed cases are stand alone as being reported irrespective of clinical signs.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 452 ✭✭Sharpyshoot

    Allinall wrote: »
    You do realise the members of NPHET were on the same salary before Covid, and will be after COVID?

    There will be no after COVID, you do realise that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,243 ✭✭✭User1998

    charlie14 wrote: »
    Death will come to us all, but it seems you have an idea as to what age there should be no medical intervention to prolong life

    There are a few other flaws in your no world lockdown theory, but tbh on your natural death belief and your, to paraphrase, "shucks sure over 3 Million deaths from a virus is nothing", as I said it`s a conversation I have no wish to engage in.

    Do you class putting the whole world into lockdown and telling me I cant travel further than 5km from my home and stopping me and my family from earning a living as ‘medical intervention’?

    You’d swear I suggested that old people should be refused access to ventilators and ICU rooms

    Conversation is over now if you insist

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,989 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    User1998 wrote: »
    Do you class putting the whole world into lockdown and telling me I cant travel further than 5km from my home and stopping me and my family from earning a living as ‘medical intervention’?

    You’d swear I suggested that old people should be refused access to ventilators and ICU rooms

    Conversation is over now if you insist

    Bye bye.

  • Registered Users Posts: 989 ✭✭✭Stormyteacup

    gozunda wrote: »
    The wording is rather brief- but what it effectively means is that where a person dies as a result of covid which has been determined by a laboratory confirmation- then other criteria do not have to be applied. It does not mean that if you get a positive test this year, recover and get hit by a bus in 10 years time - that cause of death will be put down as a covid related death. It won't.

    Nice manoeuvring. However the above from your edited post is the most pertinent bit.

    Just again - regardless of clinical signs, if you die and you are a confirmed covid case with no recovery period before death - you are included in the statistics announced in the reported deaths with covid. Irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    Nice manoeuvring. However the above from your edited post is the most pertinent bit.

    Just again - regardless of clinical signs, if you die and you are a confirmed covid case with no recovery period before death - you are included in the statistics announced in the reported deaths with covid. Irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.

    No manoeuvring whatsoever. I think you are trying to read more into that than it warrants.

    Again the actual wording. Of the first of three defined categories - ie confirmed, possible and probable.

    "Deaths in confirmed COVID-19 case: A death in a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem)". From talking to someone I know well who is a doctor - the last line is taken to read as "irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem) of covid". And that from covid-19 hospital based training.

    If you have no "recovery period" before your death and that infection by covid is confirmed by laboratory testing - then there's not really any wriggle room for other interpretations. "Irrespective" does not mean the signs and symptoms of covid do not contribute to the patients death - rather those antecedent causes are not assessed following death once a laboratory confirmation for covid has been undertaken / person has proved positive.

    The unstated part of this process is that the certification for all deaths requires a clinical assessment of each case.

    I believe you noted earlier that - "there should be no period of complete recovery from Covid-19 between illness and death". The document that is taken from also states that a death due to Covid-19 may not be attributed to another disease (e.g. cancer) and should be counted independently of pre-existing conditions that are suspected of triggering a severe course of COVID-19.”

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    gozunda wrote: »
    No manoeuvring whatsoever. I think you are trying to read more into that than it warrants.

    Again the actual wording. Of the first of three defined categories - ie confirmed, possible and probable.

    "Deaths in confirmed COVID-19 case: A death in a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem)". From talking to someone I know well who is a doctor - the last line is taken to read as "irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms (including post mortem) of covid". And that from covid-19 hospital based training.

    If you have no "recovery period" before your death and that infection by covid is confirmed by laboratory testing - then there's not really any wriggle room for other interpretations. "Irrespective" does not mean the signs and symptoms of covid do not contribute to the patients death - rather those antecedent causes are not assessed following death once a laboratory confirmation for covid has been undertaken / person has proved positive.

    The unstated part of this process is that the certification for all deaths requires a clinical assessment of each case.

    I believe you noted earlier that - "there should be no period of complete recovery from Covid-19 between illness and death". The document that is taken from also states that a death due to Covid-19 may not be attributed to another disease (e.g. cancer) and should be counted independently of pre-existing conditions that are suspected of triggering a severe course of COVID-19.”

    Some real statisticians have look at the data and found massive excess mortality. This data does not include Ireland as our data is not finalised. No doubt we will be told the data is not relevant because <insert bs here>


    Included in the graph is a line for Norway, which shows a country that had lockdowns but had no excess deaths. Does they mean they didn't need a lockdown or that the lockdown worked? Where were all their excess deaths caused by lockdown?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭RayCon

    PTH2009 wrote: »
    Is tomorrow the big day or will it be next Tuesday in regards deciding on the restrictions ?

    The first leaks are scheduled for this weekend ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Sobit1964

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Allinall

    There will be no after COVID, you do realise that?

    What point are you trying to make?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,937 ✭✭✭DellyBelly

    They are talking about this so called Indian variant on rte news. Sounds serious. Everytime I feel I see the light at the end of the tunnel a bit of bad news comes out to dampen my optimism..

This discussion has been closed.