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Sex on her period???



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,718 ✭✭✭seenitall

    pragmatic1 wrote: »
    Question for the girls on the thread. If the roles were reversed and a man had thick blood pumping out of his penis once a month, would that put you off sex with him for a few days or no?

    It's not quite the same thing, no? A man hops in the shower, job done. How do you wash stuff from vagina, cervix and other thingummys? Only by douching, and I've never douched in my life, as it can actually be harmful. You see my problem. Which will luckily never go beyond hypothetical. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,861 ✭✭✭IrishEyes19

    I've seen a lot of comments here about a woman being open about her period with her partner as intimate and even bettered during sex.

    As a woman, god no. My period is private and I've no interest in any feminist theories that will arise from such a comment about being free and open about your body. I think its subject to how someone feels about themselves and their willingness to share it. I on that matter, dont.

    I would never expect nor would I be comfortable having sex with my boyfriend while on my period. As one poster said, and not trying to be graphic, its not a smooth clear flow of blood we are talking here. And I would find it a little disgusting, I cant think of any better word. But if the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldnt like it. Sex is messy as one poster put it, fluids involved. But ejaculation fluids and female fluids are that bit more discreet and less in matter than blood. But finishing up to a blood bath isnt the romantic after sex cuddles Ive ever envisioned.

    I also think its normal for a guy to not be into it. In reality. Who wants to look down after climaxing to see her body and your body smeared in menstrual blood?
    If people are into it, fair enough, everyone to their own. But saying its a sign of direct intimacy between a couple that you do it when on your period is riddiculous. I would never expect any partner of mine to be involved in such a thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,861 ✭✭✭IrishEyes19

    Men can actually have something pumping out their penis and it doesn't put some brave women off...women on the other hand don't have thick blood pumping out of anywhere - unless they've had some kind of serious accident.

    Methinks a lot of the squeamishness is directly related to the poor quality of the irish sex education system... :p

    Or maybe because people dont actually want to. Im not in the slightest bit squeamish. But nor do I want to have my menstrual blood smeared on my bf after we finish.

    I dont think a lack of info in the Irish sex ed is going affect if people do or not. A lot of posters here have stated, they have no problem with it, sex is sex and then a lot of posters have blankly stated, they wont. It seems a given that is merely a personal choice. Which is fair enough.

    On a different note, and this isnt related to your post, Ickle, :D incase you think Im refering that you said this. haha. this is my own view :D But I dont buy into this female freedom stance that women are taking now as well, that having your period on display and being open about it and expressing your sexual self,as Ive read in some articles ect, is somehow liberating and such. Im not saying all women do this, but for some women and I would include myself in this, Im perfectly confident in most aspects of my life, be it career, relationships, ect, but I think issues such as my period and physical health regarding this should be kept private. That is my choice alone of course. It has nothing to do with my sexual education or background. I'm only in my early twenties so Im of the generation where Ireland has broken out of the catholic church era, but I think its perfectly normal to want that too. My body is my body and Im not ashamed of anything, but its personal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 695 ✭✭✭yawha

    sam34 wrote: »
    only if it's a post from pi or ri.

    it's relevant to highlight the inconsistency in the fact that you were calling people here immature and childish for their "ewwwwww" response to menstrual blood when you yourself had that very same response to something as benign as ear wax.
    Err, isn't "Attack the post, not the poster" one of the most prevalent and long standing rules on Boards?

    On topic. Done it lots of times. Barely notice the blood until it's over. Then I just have a shower.

    I had a lot of nosebleeds as a child, think it desensitized me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,073 ✭✭✭sam34

    i'm male,don't like the thought so have never tried it
    yawha wrote: »
    Err, isn't "Attack the post, not the poster" one of the most prevalent and long standing rules on boards?.

    err, I didn't attack the poster. there was no personal abuse, no threats ect. I
    merely pointed out inconsistencies in her posts.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,884 ✭✭✭Eve_Dublin

    I also think its normal for a guy to not be into it. In reality. Who wants to look down after climaxing to see her body and your body smeared in menstrual blood?
    If people are into it, fair enough, everyone to their own. But saying its a sign of direct intimacy between a couple that you do it when on your period is riddiculous. I would never expect any partner of mine to be involved in such a thing.

    And it's normal for a guy not to care either. I'm not saying my exes have actually been into it but they simply didn't care except one(he changed his mind though eventually..I didn't force him). I told my current boyfriend the first time we were in bed together and I was menstruating and he said, "Ok, we'll need to get a towel then" and that was that. He doesn't WANT to look down and see blood but it just doesn't bother him.

    As you said, each to their own.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    i'm female and i do it, it doesn't bother me
    Yep i have , Blood has never bothered me and i'm not a 12 year old boy any more who makes a face and sick noises when someone mentions periods.
    Completely unfair. Menstrual blood is not nice - is it really so immature to just not like the idea of sex with it present?
    If this was about a woman not liking giving head, there would be uproar if there were dismissive comments directed at her the way there are to reasonable men here. And semen is "cleaner" than menstrual blood.
    mossyc123 wrote: »
    A bit o blood should never put you off.

    If it does you'd wanna Man Up!
    Sigh... it's not just "a bit of blood".
    Men can actually have something pumping out their penis and it doesn't put some brave women off...women on the other hand don't have thick blood pumping out of anywhere - unless they've had some kind of serious accident.

    Methinks a lot of the squeamishness is directly related to the poor quality of the irish sex education system... :p
    Guess it depends on the heaviness of the flow?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Or maybe because people dont actually want to.

    I dunno why people keep quoting me out of context - must be a sensitive issue. Just out of interest, did you read the whole thread? My post was a tongue in cheek comment triggered by the multitude of fallacies and nonsense being peddled about what periods and pregnancy actually consists of...hence the :p

    As for new-fangled female freedoms, well, the last three generations of my family [so perhaps it's not that new-fangled elsewhere] - were/are fairly open about sex and menstruation so I would consider the whole squeamishness and reticence around discussion of sex and periods in general, as somewhat alien...and since the scots are hardly famed for their sexually liberal attitudes, I suspect that means some of the attitudes displayed in this thread give more than a passing nod to the taciturn such topics have/were until very recently actively encouraged to have here.
    Dudess wrote: »
    And semen is "cleaner" than menstrual blood.

    Do you mean their colour, to wash out of things kind of cleaner? Otherwise surely they are both just a collection of gloopy bodily fluids and cells that start degrading when in contact with air? *Mmmm, enjoy your coffee break folks* I think it's just we're conditioned to think of one as natural and the other as icky.
    Dudess wrote: »
    Guess it depends on the heaviness of the flow?

    No, seriously Dudess, if any woman has thick blood "pumping" out of her at any time, I'd say she should get herself down to A&E pronto... :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,423 ✭✭✭Morag

    i'm male,don't like the thought so have never tried it
    Some women do have thick blood and really I don't blame a guy for not wanting to be cleaning out a blood clot from under his foreskin after sex.

    Women get used to seeing blood on their genitals, for the most part the averages say we have periods from age 12 to late 40s, so thats what 30 years of 10 /13 periods a year.

    Blood in any other context is a sign that something is wrong and we have normally a pretty hard wired aversion to it esp other peoples. For a bloke to see blood on his penis that will usually mean there's been some sort of trauma and they can get very alarmed.

    Some people are very freaked out about blood, some people it just doesn't bother them, people just differ.

    IrishEyes19 feminism is about women having choices, it should also be about respecting the choices which women then make. If that is how you feel about sex at that time of the month and don't want the world to know your on the rag then that's your choice to handle things that way and I don't think less of you for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Sharrow wrote: »
    Some women do have thick blood

    I'm not sure if you posted in relation to what I said - apologies if you didn't. I was quoting a poster who stated "thick blood pumping out" - it was the entire sentence I have consistently used and was commenting on. The average period is 35mls in it's entirety - hardly worthy of the pejorative language about bloodbaths and butchers blocks for the duration of a sexual encounter unless the woman in question has much, much higher than average blood which case, why use that as a standard example?
    Sharrow wrote: »
    ..and really I don't blame a guy for not wanting to be cleaning out a blood clot from under his foreskin after sex.

    Well, neither do I, but that just goes back to the original point about why posters feel the need to use such hysterical language to describe all sex as happening with a woman who experiences the absolute extremes of heavy periods when it is at it's heaviest and of course without any contraceptive just to make it sound as bad as it possibly can, rather than looking at the more temperate average or acknowledge that the volume of menstruation fluid actually varies over the course of a period...or indeed that there are a variety of devices which mean nothing would get anywhere near being under or on a foreskin.
    Sharrow wrote: »
    Women get used to seeing blood on their genitals, for the most part the averages say we have periods from age 12 to late 40s, so thats what 30 years of 10 /13 periods a year.

    I don't know if it is so much about one gender getting used to seeing blood on genitals - there's plenty men wouldn't blink an eyelid and it's hardly a common sight for them. I think some people just aren't very squeamish and some are...about the sight or the subject, for a variety of reasons.
    Sharrow wrote: »
    Blood in any other context is a sign that something is wrong and we have normally a pretty hard wired aversion to it esp other peoples. For a bloke to see blood on his penis that will usually mean there's been some sort of trauma and they can get very alarmed.

    Some people are very freaked out about blood, some people it just doesn't bother them, people just differ.

    The degree of aversion being displayed in some posts here would lean towards a conditioned behaviour or learnt aversion rather than a natural aversion...otherwise it would instinctively bother every man/one, no?

    I agree that people just differ, I've already stated that it's a matter of personal preference - but the need to justify their preference by making out all periods are some kind of 7 day clotty geyser which causes horrendous mess, graphic transfer and thus rational disgust is just bizarre...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,925 ✭✭✭Otis Driftwood

    In fairness Sharrow,I doubt too many would have sex with a menstruating female without using a condom.As fine as I am with period sex,there is a line!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,670 ✭✭✭✭Wolfe Tone

    I discussed this with a few friends last night and they were of the opinion that only 'squimish' men would refuse, the implicit implication being that such an adversity was ridiculous and almost cowardly, like being terrified of a small spider.

    I got the distinct impression that they were offended at the idea of men not finding them attractive at that time of the month because of something temporary which they can't help, huge undercurrent of insecurity in their reaction.

    Would this type of reaction and insecurity be widespread or are my friends analomies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 879 ✭✭✭mossyc123

    In fairness Sharrow,I doubt too many would have sex with a menstruating female without using a condom.As fine as I am with period sex,there is a line!

    ...and it's been crossed many a time... In for a penny, in for a pound :pac:

    Would always be in a relationship at the time as i've never been in a one-night stand/1st few dates situation where the girl was in her period...

    Don't think there are many girls who let themselves get into that situation with someone new...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    i'm female and i do it, it doesn't bother me
    Personally I'm not insecure about getting amorous when on the blob, and I've done it... but I can see the other side. I certainly don't agree people are conditioned to view menstrual blood as icky - objectively, it is not a nice substance, and isn't just "plain" blood, as rightly pointed out. Maybe "blood pumping out" is an extreme way of putting it, but some women have a heavy flow.

    Some of the responses here, to me, smack of subtly telling men who don't like it that they're irrational, unreasonable, even "abnormal" for not wanting to engage in a particular sexual act... something that would rightly cause objections if directed at women. So what if some view it as a gross substance? It's not difficult to understand why they would.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Politics Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    Yeah i'm a bit on both sides here
    when it's at its worst I just couldn't be bothered dealing with the mess

    but other times it's quite light and there's no "bodies smeared in blood" or anything, so that's fine
    I would tend to be more self conscious about it

    so i could understand if you're squeamish about it and don't want to, or if you don't have a problem with it at all

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 644 ✭✭✭wolf moon

    Well, I read this thread and I definitely decide to stay with my 20+ "clean" shagging even a few times a day, honestly these couple of days I can stop myself from having sex. I'm not animal and I don't have to shag always and everywhere just because female happens to be horny.

    It does not make me less manly, especially when compared with boys looking for nothing else but putting their dick into every hole, no matter what.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Wolfe Tone wrote:
    I discussed this with a few friends last night and they were of the opinion that only 'squimish' men would refuse, the implicit implication being that such an adversity was ridiculous and almost cowardly, like being terrified of a small spider.

    I got the distinct impression that they were offended at the idea of men not finding them attractive at that time of the month because of something temporary which they can't help, huge undercurrent of insecurity in their reaction.

    Would this type of reaction and insecurity be widespread or are my friends analomies?

    Funny you should say that WT, I also had a discussion with friends last night and they thought it was clearly a matter of personal opinion but that some of the hysterical language around the topic was really quite was uncanny. :pac:
    Dudess wrote: »
    Personally I'm not insecure about getting amorous when on the blob, and I've done it... but I can see the other side. I certainly don't agree people are conditioned to view menstrual blood as icky - objectively, it is not a nice substance, and isn't just "plain" blood, as rightly pointed out. Maybe "blood pumping out" is an extreme way of putting it, but some women have a heavy flow.

    Maybe extreme? Unless the woman has some kind of trauma puting her at risk of insaguination then it's just pure exaggeration. I don't talk for anyone else obviously...body fluids are body fluids, I mean the average period is 35mls over a week and the average ejaculate is not much less than that per ejaculation - and yet how do you think most would view a woman suggesting it was disgusting and sex was likely to leave her smeared in it and it would just be a horrible sperm bath? I think most would look at them kinda funny. That's the way I'd view the extreme comments, not the personal preferences, mind.
    Dudess wrote: »
    Some of the responses here, to me, smack of subtly telling men who don't like it that they're irrational, unreasonable, even "abnormal" for not wanting to engage in a particular sexual act... something that would rightly cause objections if directed at women.

    Well, I disagree with anyone who suggests that - it's entirely the hysterical language accompanying the preferences that I'm trying to understand.
    Dudess wrote: »
    So what if some view it as a gross substance? It's not difficult to understand why they would.

    Well, most body fluids are pretty gross - I don't think that's the point being refuted, again it's hysterical phrase choices along with a smattering of complete ignorance and the need to make it sound as disgusting and as bad as it ever possibly could that's causing the confusion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,316 ✭✭✭✭amacachi

    I mean the average period is 35mls over a week and the average ejaculate is not much less than that per ejaculation
    Looks like I'm a freak so.
    Well, I disagree with anyone who suggests that - it's entirely the hysterical language accompanying the preferences that I'm trying to understand.
    Some people can't stand blood. It's that simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20 cnelo

    MrThrifty wrote: »
    I'm doing a bit of a 'Norris' thing here re-entering this discussion after declaring myself out but... I suppose he seems to have got away with it!
    Exile 1798 wrote: »
    Women menstruate. It's not gross, it's life.

    True, it is life. But on that note, it is worth pointing out the following realities of life and evolution:
    -> Reproduction is necessary for conception and therefore evolution to occur
    -> Females cannot conceive during their period
    -> Female scent appeals most to males at the most fertile part of their cycle and least during their period when oestrogen levels are lowest
    -> Females are most attracted to males at the most fertile part of their cycle

    The point here is that, putting the whole grossness debate to one side, it is NATURAL for males to not have sex with females during their periods from an evolutionary point of view. There's lots more info out there on this whole topic supporting these points.

    As for the grossness thing, to dismiss it as life is a bit like saying that someone's death should not be considered sad but simply life. Or that babies dirty nappies should not be considered messy or disgusting but simply life. Life clearly consists of many pleasant and unpleasant (I'll refrain from using the term gross here) realities...
    You can get pregnant during your period.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 902 ✭✭✭scholar007

    seanybiker wrote: »
    I used to have sex with me ex when she was up on blocks.

    Up on Blocks????? - fcukin hilarious :D:D:D:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,884 ✭✭✭Eve_Dublin

    Tis a cruel fact of nature that women are at the horniest when it's such a "controversial" time to have sex.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 644 ✭✭✭wolf moon

    Eve_Dublin wrote: »
    Tis a cruel fact of nature that some women aremay be at the horniest when it's such a "controversial" time to have sex.
    Thank gods for the ones I went through. They were/are very horny regardless.
    Fcuking menstruating women must be a local Irish thing foreigners don't seem to get.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,884 ✭✭✭Eve_Dublin

    wolf moon wrote: »
    Thank gods for the ones I went through. They were/are very horny regardless.
    Fcuking menstruating women must be a local Irish thing foreigners don't seem to get.

    Most of my exes have been foreign men. My current boyfriend is Spanish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 644 ✭✭✭wolf moon

    Eve_Dublin wrote: »
    Most of my exes have been foreign men. My current boyfriend is Spanish.
    Lucky you :)

    So by the looks of things our experiences are different. I personally don't know anyone (I mean from the crowd I'd be comfortable enough to talk about it with) who would fancy this sort of stuff. Most of people both sexes find it quite sick and don't understand (including myself) why in the name of holy Jebus Christ - when we have 20-few days a month we can shag "normally" - would we shag even when girl is menstruating.

    I guess that this discussion is pointless, it's like trying to explain to arachnophil that spiders aren't sexy. Some prefer apples, some like pears.

    EDIT: For those "It's just another body fluid" - do you actually enjoy pi55ing on each other, some vomits, maybe a little brownie-clownie as well? Sure they're only another body fluids :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 295 ✭✭shrewd

    wolf moon wrote: »
    Lucky you :)

    So by the looks of things our experiences are different. I personally don't know anyone (I mean from the crowd I'd be comfortable enough to talk about it with) who would fancy this sort of stuff. Most of people both sexes find it quite sick and don't understand (including myself) why in the name of holy Jebus Christ - when we have 20-few days a month we can shag "normally" - would we shag even when girl is menstruating.

    I guess that this discussion is pointless, it's like trying to explain to arachnophil that spiders aren't sexy. Some prefer apples, some like pears.

    EDIT: For those "It's just another body fluid" - do you actually enjoy pi55ing on each other, some vomits, maybe a little brownie-clownie as well? Sure they're only another body fluids :rolleyes:

    i admire your critic style

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 644 ✭✭✭wolf moon

    shrewd wrote: »
    i admire your critic style
    Nice poem :D A bit short..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,884 ✭✭✭Eve_Dublin

    wolf moon wrote: »
    Lucky you :)

    So by the looks of things our experiences are different. I personally don't know anyone (I mean from the crowd I'd be comfortable enough to talk about it with) who would fancy this sort of stuff. Most of people both sexes find it quite sick and don't understand (including myself) why in the name of holy Jebus Christ - when we have 20-few days a month we can shag "normally" - would we shag even when girl is menstruating.

    I guess that this discussion is pointless, it's like trying to explain to arachnophil that spiders aren't sexy. Some prefer apples, some like pears.

    EDIT: For those "It's just another body fluid" - do you actually enjoy pi55ing on each other, some vomits, maybe a little brownie-clownie as well? Sure they're only another body fluids :rolleyes:

    Some people DO indeed enjoy those things although they're probably not as socially acceptable and I doubt many would admit it here :)

    As you said, it's a matter of tase but it's interesting to hear why some people do and don't mind it.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Politics Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    "most people find it sick" is going overboard

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,423 ✭✭✭Morag

    i'm male,don't like the thought so have never tried it
    Yes irish sex ed is frankly retarded, they in 6th class seperate the boys from the girls and I would say the vast majority of men were brought up knowing sod all about That Time of The Month, even if they had sisters. Some of them get a bit of a land when they see the changes, cramps, discomfort and moddiness which can happen, never mind sharing a bed with someone who is bleeding never mind being intimate.

    So boys growing up think periods are werid and gross isn't that unusual, but I think a guy can be grand with and not bothered by it and still prefer not to have intercourse even with a condom.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 174 ✭✭VenusPlays

    I'd really be interested to know how many of the guys in particular who have had a 'gross' response to the idea of period sex, have indulged in (or even asked their partners to indulge in) anal sex? I know its been mentioned at least once in the thread but no-one seems to have responded.

    I have no problem with it. And like others have mentioned, its only something thats happened within a relationship. Its also possible for vigorous sex to bring on your period - twice I've had mine start without warning mid-shag. And I know from talking to friends its happened to them as well. No big deal but from the sounds of things it might freak out a couple of boardsies.

    I do find some of the more extreme reactions amusing but like everything its a matter of personal taste. I wont call anyone a prude if they dont like it just as I dont want to be made feel like I'm odd just because it doesn't bother me.

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