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Weddings, Marriage & Civil Partnership

Something old, something new, something borrowed and shotguns, everything you need for the happy day!
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Do u want ur other half living of u?
09-03-08 13:14
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Things to do in Westport
05-03-08 14:05
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Kilkea Castle - Recommended Venue?
20-02-08 20:47
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Wedding Hotels.
22-05-07 8:17
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Seeking Irish Dancers for wedding in Madrid
25-02-08 18:04
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Help me out
01-03-08 19:57
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Wedding ring discount
26-02-08 11:29
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Questions about marriage
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Ramada Hotel Ballina - bad experience
26-02-08 14:44
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Priest objecting to marriage?
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Barnabrow House - Co.Cork
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Bridesmaid dress for hen night needed
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Corkage when the venue doesn't have a license
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Mother who won't come with me to bridal shop
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Civil ceremony locations
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The Wedding Ball
22-02-08 16:31
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gifts: how much do you expect to get?
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How "fake" would you go?
19-02-08 18:54
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Getting married in USA?
20-02-08 22:44
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Brehon Hotel Killarney
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Catholic Wedding not in church
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Organise wedding in 7 months - can it be done??!
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Great Restuaruant - South Co. Dublin?
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Thanks for the Links
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church singers in Donegal/Sligo area
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CORK BRIDES, on a budget ? sample sale!
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San Patrick Rahmen wedding dress for sale
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marriage certificate
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Benjamin Roberts 777 d
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Hen Party Advice (in Athlone)
06-02-08 15:02
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