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Vaping & E-Smoking

Electronic Cigarettes, the alternative to smoking
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Clearomizer very dry, vapor very hot
23-02-14 1:09
4 526
where to buy dna box mods
08-02-14 18:51
6 1.7K
Do all e-liquids taste like grease mixed with sickly sweet vanilla??
16-02-14 18:47
8 1.9K
Warning For Beginners
20-02-14 16:34
7 939
El Toro Perique
22-02-14 11:08
6 546
Dublin Vape Meet - trying to find good spots. Suggestions?
29-01-14 23:40
7 997
In a bind
21-02-14 22:27
2 293
Buying my first E-Cig
11-03-13 0:20
2 574
Kanthal wire - anyone have any!?
21-02-14 14:23
8 471
Digital Callipers Aldi 12
09-02-14 15:23
31 1.9K
E-cig use / vaping in the workplace? 12
04-02-14 18:31
50 5.3K
newbie,vaping, beers no prob!
16-02-14 7:07
9 887
Anyone use an e-cigar?
17-02-14 1:09
4 496
Sub ohm vaping...
15-02-14 10:30
1 468
Workshop for a small repair in Dublin ?
14-02-14 18:57
9 645
MVP battery life issue
08-02-14 21:51
2 478
New to This - Need advice Folks!000
11-02-14 21:14
13 896
walk in shops advanced vaping
14-01-14 9:23
11 2.6K
online store to get juice
02-02-14 16:22
30 3K
Re-chargeable Shisha Pen
28-12-13 0:01
19 2.1K
kanger t2 issue
04-02-14 19:02
1 307
e cigs discussed on Liveline Joe Duffy
28-01-14 1:06
9 1.3K
Onwards from a Twist 12
28-01-14 22:48
34 2.4K
Today I broke my...
04-02-14 23:01
9 872
Anyone ordered from
06-02-14 11:43
0 357
kanger t2 issue
04-02-14 19:03
12 542
Sigelei 20 issue...advice needed
31-01-14 11:17
11 1K
Small Mod for nights out
04-02-14 14:01
16 1.2K
RY-C9 substitute
02-02-14 23:36
3 397
protank 2 draw issued.
04-02-14 22:40
0 207