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Student Finances

Grants, fees, cost of living, registration fees, etc.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Grant installments??
28-10-10 18:06
3 843
Dropping out and fees for next year..
28-10-10 14:25
1 680
All Ireland Scholarship
13-10-10 11:06
3 992
Grant Refusal--HELP
19-10-10 16:39
6 1.4K
Is it too late to apply for grant??
01-10-10 12:32
4 979
How long does it take for a grant cheque to clear
26-10-10 20:33
2 1.1K
ESB - 300e deposit or direct debit?
25-10-10 22:10
6 1.8K
Applying for rent allowance after moving to BTEA
17-10-10 22:09
6 1.8K
Fees/Maintenance for second MA?
12-10-10 16:45
2 756
grant installments date.
15-10-10 22:53
9 2.7K
BTEA - Studying Abroad/Erasmus year
19-10-10 12:25
1 1.4K
Still entitled??
16-10-10 21:35
1 785
refund of fees for dropping out
15-10-10 16:21
3 878
urgent advice needed
15-10-10 6:54
5 862
Grant award categories
15-10-10 2:47
1 748
whens the 1st grant installment date?
09-09-10 22:39
19 5.6K
Am I eligible -third level grants.
06-07-08 4:14
3 2.7K
Funding for taught postgrad outside of Ireland
10-09-10 21:10
4 777
HELP!!! Got a grant but it won't cover my fees when it should?
13-10-10 20:03
3 817
Deciding Officer?
12-10-10 17:22
3 793
can you defer a grant?
09-10-10 17:25
3 925
student grant
12-10-10 17:51
0 410
How do students have a life?
02-10-10 19:47
6 1.7K
Does the grant give you back payment for september?
11-10-10 20:56
4 765
17 Year Old - maintenance grant eligibility. Please HELP!
07-10-10 20:45
6 1.8K
Budgeting: Grant installment dates + amounts
02-08-10 11:54
14 4.7K
Full Non-Adjacent and Fees
08-10-10 21:08
2 726
DCC grant arrived today!
08-10-10 15:41
0 362
Free Fees for Transferring Student?
06-10-10 1:18
3 717
3rd level grant letter of residency, where do i get it?
06-10-10 13:49
2 531