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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Freedom Harness
16-10-16 21:28
9 469
Hen layed a decayed egg
23-10-16 9:57
3 467
Balcony grass "cubicle" litter box
30-08-16 23:41
10 517
Boarding kennels
12-10-16 16:11
4 434
irish barkbox?
28-07-14 11:13
3 1.4K
C&C cage for Guinea Pig
22-10-16 13:08
3 202
Fleas in cats
20-10-16 11:59
2 115
Is royal canin catfood better than Iams?
20-10-16 11:57
10 737
Really stinky kitten poo
12-10-16 21:05
5 333
Fostering a cat?
16-10-16 18:30
4 238
Fleas and other small insects..
17-10-16 17:03
7 283
Cat neglect
17-10-16 12:58
8 373
Neighbours Cat
14-10-16 10:32
2 335
Rottie injury
15-10-16 16:47
20 683
getting a second cat
14-10-16 13:40
3 143
Avairy Set up and Advice
14-10-16 21:51
11 318
Dog Kennel Flaps
04-10-16 19:44
6 346
Dog won't go into kennel
12-10-16 23:52
8 361
Mouse or young Rat?
13-10-16 13:59
11 437
thinking of getting a cat ? advice
12-10-16 22:03
11 314
Looking for a review of Anied
12-10-16 13:25
2 764
Getting collie pup to play
09-10-16 22:05
19 631
How to get cat to take its worming tablet?
07-10-16 10:01
24 558
Help my dog is scared of getting in the car
10-10-16 17:08
13 487
Should i report my neighbours? 12
10-10-16 10:05
43 4.2K
Vet for cat?
10-10-16 9:29
11 359
cats drinking habits!
08-10-16 0:23
12 347
My cat is driving me mad
09-10-16 1:09
28 1.8K
Son wants a snake... 12
29-09-16 19:56
41 2.4K
Dog eating conkers
09-10-16 21:18
3 276