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Pets & Pet Care

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Vet Charges - Referral Fee
09-10-16 16:50
3 345
Mind my inlaws Dog
08-10-16 15:54
5 460
Rehomed but original owner wants back 12
03-10-16 10:17
48 4.7K
Whiskas Pouches Inconsistent
07-10-16 18:23
4 234
Please Help: Fox
07-10-16 10:21
0 48
Litter training a 4 month old kitten
03-10-16 11:37
13 342
Weird eye problem
05-10-16 23:21
4 126
Dog - whimpering
06-10-16 19:32
0 182
Keeping a pet ferret on an allotment?
04-10-16 22:23
5 440
Apartment cats
06-10-16 15:48
9 408
Restricting restricted breeds
06-10-16 10:02
6 279
Crate training Question
03-10-16 14:49
4 311
Advice on animal charities
04-10-16 21:49
5 356
Extremely picky dog
02-10-16 18:21
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Dog Walker. D4
05-10-16 17:01
1 99
Where to get Syrian hamster?
05-10-16 15:13
0 94
Confining puppy post-surgery
02-10-16 9:45
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Getting a dog a buddy
03-10-16 12:58
6 435
Hamster dead after 3 weeks 12
02-10-16 19:30
37 3.3K
How do I go about getting a dog PTS
03-10-16 10:37
7 426
Dog Allergies (dog with allergy).
29-09-16 3:02
12 411
New dog....
30-09-16 18:12
3 320
How do I go about getting a dog PTS
03-10-16 10:39
1 182
New cat introduction- "chirping"
01-10-16 22:20
0 212
Moving to Northern Ireland- pet insurance
27-09-16 9:10
2 173
Putting a beloved pet to sleep
22-09-16 11:03
16 994
Spraying cat issues
30-09-16 8:55
1 110
Trying to train a highly reactive dog
28-09-16 18:19
12 601
29-09-16 17:20
1 80
dog day care Dublin 15 or open on Saturday
24-09-16 10:28
2 256