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Music Production

Recording and mixing music Pro-Audio and music production
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Could be in need of a new DAW PC
13-05-11 20:58
6 1K
metering and k14 , and rms versus peak
17-05-11 0:17
4 1.5K
Keyboard player available (cross post)
16-05-11 15:22
0 430
DAS sound equiptment
13-05-11 9:57
2 536
Drum recording - tips and techniques please
05-05-11 10:02
9 1.6K
How good/bad are these headphones for informal home DAW work?
23-03-11 16:57
10 1.6K
Easy mp3 hosting?
26-05-09 18:35
14 1.1K
Programming the Stairville DMX desk.
01-12-10 14:41
7 3.3K
Backing tracks/ drum samples/strings in Live situation
11-05-11 15:44
4 1.3K
unique diy synth stolen - have a butchers please
11-05-11 10:57
1 492
Laws Regarding dB Limits?
03-05-11 17:48
14 1.5K
Very catch pop song.. 2 versions
04-05-11 23:43
15 1.8K
audio electronics help!
08-05-11 17:10
4 1K
HELP! - cpu overload when using DAWs
02-03-11 19:53
10 2.1K
Cubase 6?
27-04-11 21:19
21 3.1K
Books on Sound Engineering / live mixing / PAs / basic setups
10-04-11 14:51
7 1.3K
05-05-11 13:18
7 1K
Pioneer car radio EQ....
06-05-11 19:58
1 1K
01-05-11 9:29
2 682
Bit of advice needed re: recording
23-03-11 6:05
12 2K
Cloning a Mac Hard drive ...
02-05-11 18:19
9 880
Help Upgading HD for Numark HDMIX
05-05-11 11:28
0 351
monome jam video
25-04-11 20:02
5 1.5K
live backing tracks - cop out or "does'nt bother me"?
01-05-11 23:40
9 2.6K
Building a reamp box
29-04-11 14:54
3 1.3K
the big switch
04-05-11 1:54
1 546
Reverb Plugins for Protools HD
02-05-11 19:38
11 915
Mac Pro g5's...
26-04-11 13:48
11 1.5K
Focusrite VRM
01-05-11 17:06
6 693
Pensados place
03-05-11 2:46
1 564