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Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry

Maths, Physics & Chemistry discussion.
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leaving cert complex numbers hl
12-02-15 0:00
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Express as a percentage.
01-02-15 17:34
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representing seating plan by student preference quandry
23-01-15 11:06
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New theory as to why life exists
15-12-14 13:24
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Steam plant thermodynamics question
25-01-15 21:58
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Sum of consecutive cubes
22-03-10 1:49
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Help with simple conversion
23-01-15 21:52
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Help with a puzzle
23-01-15 16:15
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mocks for 2015 leaving cert
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Call to pay maths graduates bonus to go into teaching
12-01-15 17:12
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Sodium and Potassium glycerophosphate !!!!! Please Help
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Rare-earth magnet
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bayesian networks - exam questions
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Sequences Question
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Need opinion if copper is oxidising and why bubbles alternate direction?
14-12-14 15:57
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Postgrad funding
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29-12-14 21:49
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Adjusting the recto/curvlinearity of a polynomial fit
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Sum of torque 12...78
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Diploma in Maths (Stats) Galway or Online (Internationally)
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Single photon question?
24-10-14 13:55
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Maths/puzzles books for children (age 11)
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Interpreting Median Absolute Deviation
10-12-14 13:14
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Applied Mathematics - Lagrangian multiplication or other technique?
17-10-14 17:40
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Double Integration vs Line integration Question
04-12-14 0:12
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Probability Question - Sequences?
06-12-14 15:23
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Finding what the rate means
06-12-14 11:39
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Laplace Transform Solution
05-12-14 19:29
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Vector Spaces - Row Space and Rank
04-12-14 19:21
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