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Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry

Maths, Physics & Chemistry discussion.
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Carriers in Ag. Are these excited conduction electrons?
29-10-14 21:23
5 691
Can a Logarithm be to any base?
30-10-14 2:53
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Help with some current and circuit concepts for Physics Question
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where can you find liquid IM sodium hydroxide
18-10-14 18:19
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Help with college question, mechanics
25-10-14 16:07
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Calculating Value of gas
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Where can I get litmus paper in Dublin
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Metal Splint - Metal Detector
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Financial Maths Question
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Msc in engineering with Bsc in Physics?
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Chaos Theory - Project ideas?
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Where can I get offcuts of Teflon (PTFE) and plate Copper
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Chaos Theory - Project ideas?
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Physcis grinds
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Simultaneous Equations by Substitution
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What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success..?
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Law of indices
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Ownership of Radioactive Materials.
04-10-14 18:22
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Working out probability
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Big Bang of the Big Bang Theory
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Statistics and non-normal distribution
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Maths Differentiation Problem
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Time Dilation and spooky action at a distance
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1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = -1
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Tutor in Donegal.
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Physics Question
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Calculus problem
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